Should charity be done in silence ?

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Don't you find that when charity is linked to commercial issues it is just a means used to sell more ?

Charity should be done in silence and with sincere heart.

" depends on the situation – and what we endeavour to achieve.
Christ was anything but inconspicuous and silent ... HIS entire
life's work was Charity. "

I always find your messages complicated to understand

In my opinion what ruin charity are ostentation and self-interest. Someone prefer keep to themselves their charity, others prefer to make it pubblic, maybe not to make themselves important, but to try to sensitize and encourage other people to do the same. Someone instead makes charity to improve its pubblic image and others just for money.

Yes, just as hide your money in a secret place,charity is too.

Charity is better in secret, and this should not be mentioned after time has passed

I don't think charity should happen silently.

Charity is meant to support something, and if nobody knows about a problem, nobody will support the solution.
If a big celebrity with a huge following decides to donate money for xyz and say so, I'm sure lots of their fans will also go and donate money for that cause.

I don't care if somebody supports a charity as a PR move, or if they do it sincerely. The second option obviously indicates a better person, but either way a charity is supported and that's what counts. It doesn't matter who supports it or why, as long as it has an impact.

" doesn't matter who supports it or why, as long as it has an impact. "

This is one hopeful moment for me!

Excellent Proof: "There is great order within 'Chaos' ... " 🙂

I don't undetstand

It depends on how you take the term "charity". I remember one quote from Jack London, which has reformed my sense on charity: "A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog."

It depends on how you take the term "charity". I remember one quote from Jack London, which has reformed my sense on charity: "A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog."
That doesn't make sense to me. Charity is meant to help people in need. It doesn't matter if you're in need yourself. Elon Musk can for sure support charities better than I can.
I mean, it says a lot about you as a person, if you are struggling yourself and still find a way to support others with their struggle, but that's not what defines charity.

As long as there is a EGO there can be no real charity.
So when you look at the Hawkins Scale:
Everyone under level 500 is so occupied with the EGO that everything they do
is an expression of their lack of real love.
They sense seperation and produce seperation.
So you can even have and hand over lots of money
but do no real good for anyone.

Somebody who transcended level 500 is permanently doing charity.
Noticed or unnoticed.

Today nobody believes in other people's charities. They tend to need a prove but true charity doesn't need proof. Especially when helping People I think it's only respectful to treat everyone with dignity when helping.

I think so. Personally, I believe that charity is a choice to do good for someone, without an audience, without a certain amount, it could be a basket of food, it could be a bag of money. You desire to help someone. It shouldn't be something you display in a showcase, in your ego's store.

According to Buddhism, the most important thing is the mindset of the donor. The detachment the value from the donors mind. Not important you do it in silence or in public.
The act of giving can have several mindsets.
01. The giving happens as a belief or as taught it as a good thing. In this case, donor caters to his belief. Or for ego.
02. This situation has link to first case. When you see someone need something, you feel sad inside or become uncomfortable. To overcome the sadness you act accordingly. Example : when someone request money for food from you the other persons hunger create sadness in your mind. To overcome your inner sadness you give money to buy food. By this, you are helping yourself. This can be case easily identify. How? If you get angry when you get to know that, the person used your money not for food but for something like illegal substances such as heroin. This happens because of your sadness created by the need of food but not the need of illegal substance. Then the sadness feeling turned in to anger because the other one cheats you.
03. This case, use the opportunity to detach the value of the thing from your mind. If we use the example of the second case If someone ask money from you to buy food you can simply give the money and you don’t care at all how the other person going to use that money. Also giving money or not does not make any difference to you. As an example if you are not in a position to help, you can simply ignore it without any guilt or sadness.