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18, da Sudafrica
November 19, 2023 14:55
November 19, 2023 14:55
Hey I am new at this and have no idea what I am doing help would be nice 🙂
38, da Germania
November 19, 2023 19:07
November 19, 2023 19:07
Don't push you to anything. Give your dog time to know you [I also have a dog] and everything else comes.
You can also give some snacks, but not very often. As a special, when your dog do something good [like the SIT order].
15, da Germania
November 19, 2023 23:35
November 19, 2023 23:35
Love him as much as you can and treat him like a family member
20, da Germania
November 20, 2023 09:35
November 20, 2023 09:35
Make sure you work again behavioral issues before they manifest and stay. And don't feed it human food.
38, da Germania
November 20, 2023 09:44
November 20, 2023 09:44
Make sure you work again behavioral issues before they manifest and stay. And don't feed it human food.
You can feed a dog with human food, but not with everything. They can have cheese and buttermilk for example, but not too much of it.
75, da Regno Unito
November 20, 2023 14:18
November 20, 2023 14:18
treat them like family and they will reward you
38, da Germania
November 22, 2023 06:53
November 22, 2023 06:53
You can also teach him, or her some cool tricks. Spend mostly of your time with the dog is also very important. Dogs are pack animals and they treat you like a member of it.
38, da Germania
November 22, 2023 08:19
November 22, 2023 08:19
The basic rules for Non-Vegetarians are:
§1 Always provide proper exercise.
§2 Feed them well.
§3 Abstain from a name.
§4 Observe the laws (kosher/halalāl)
Wrong topic 🙂.
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