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People are power-hungry. That's how it was and it will always be like this. What is your knowledge and wisdom about our society?

There are many interesting aspects. For example, the use of frame control. This is used especially in politics but still is very common. It's where you have the facts of something but you emphasize certain aspects of it.

"[An] example of the power of framing was a study done about crime. People had crime described to them as a 'beast preying on a community.' Another group had crime described to them as a 'virus infecting a person/' The first group was more likely to support measures like increasing police force and jailing offenders, while the other group was more likely to support measures that focused on systemic changed or social reform. So we can see how we talk about before we discuss a topic [that affects] how we approach that second topic. This is framing."
source: https://encyclopediaofpower.com/frame-control-all-youll-ever-need-to-know/

Books I recommend reading

48 Laws of Power
The Art of War

I love power,
Chainsaw man is pretty good

People are power-hungry. That's how it was and it will always be like this. What is your knowledge and wisdom about our society?

There are many interesting aspects. For example, the use of frame control. This is used especially in politics but still is very common. It's where you have the facts of something but you emphasize certain aspects of it.

"[An] example of the power of framing was a study done about crime. People had crime described to them as a 'beast preying on a community.' Another group had crime described to them as a 'virus infecting a person/' The first group was more likely to support measures like increasing police force and jailing offenders, while the other group was more likely to support measures that focused on systemic changed or social reform. So we can see how we talk about before we discuss a topic [that affects] how we approach that second topic. This is framing."
source: https://encyclopediaofpower.com/frame-control-all-youll-ever-need-to-know/

Books I recommend reading

48 Laws of Power
The Art of War

The authorities use force as a way to control society, forgetting that they are part of this society. So it was, so it is and so it will always be! I don't know whether this is good or bad...

I think the level of intelligence, criticism and self awareness is lower than it was times ago. Be it "elites" or just normal citizens. But like never before, today, the ways of making masses foolish, blind, overloaded with trashy and fake informations, manipulations and taking attention from more important topics... Well, its easier. It was never as easy. And disproportion is so huge.

It's easier to control people today, and take the freedom.

It's power by destroying and spreading chaos, not encouraging.

I can just have hope that we can, with right authorities, carry the humankind to better times, where we will be again looking for wisdom and celebrate the life and good values.