If time machine gets invented, to what period would you like to go ?

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If time machine gets invented what period/decade would you like to visit or go to? And why ? (It could be in your country, or in any other place, it’s up to you.)

(For example : the 80’s, the 30’s, the 15th century, year 3000 or the period of Antiquity) in past or future… I don’t know, it’s also up to you! 😂

Édité par Sabri_KC .

The 70-80s were more or less good in my country, also the 2000-10s.
And obviously I'd visit 18th century, it was a great period.

I’d probably visit the late 90’s or early 2000’s. I’d like to try the early technology that amused people who were more chill than today…
I also got that weird feeling of nostalgia even if I didn’t experience that period, so I’d like to see how was the athmosphere at the fresh beginning of the century…

Édité par Sabri_KC .

I’d go to the future

Or buy stocks in bitcoin, google, apple etc. when they first came out

Good question. I think about this a lot... I wouldn't like to go back in time, because there might be a butterfly effect. Maybe I would visit in the future.

I would go to the Stone Age. World with fresh air and low population. And no queues and traffic jams. Oh, precious times!!!

As for now I'd merely go back to my childhood and adolescence in order to live them again...

I would go back to the year of 2012, because this was the year when I was the most happiest.

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