Do you believe in god?

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Sorry for the weird question. I don’t believe in god. But a lot of people do it.

Yes, I believe.

But I understand both sides. And I don't like when someone tries to push their beliefs into You, because of abstract things they thinks are true from their perspectives.

Especially when someone use argument that can be explained better from scientific point of view than teological.
I saw a glimpse of that few days ago on the chat, so I suppose thats where Your question comes from.

Yes, I believe.

But I understand both sides. And I don't like when someone tries to push their beliefs into You, because of abstract things they thinks are true from their perspectives.

Especially when someone use argument that can be explained better from scientific point of view than teological.
I saw a glimpse of that few days ago on the chat, so I suppose thats where Your question comes from.

Okay 👍

Thank you for reply.

Someone from 🇹🇷 said: “you have to believe in god! If not you are 💀”
But I don’t think so.
I know it’s mine decision, and it isn’t true that I must believe in god.
But I understand the people they’re believing in god. But for ME it makes no sense.

You don't have to believe. And Im sure if God exist, he doesn't refuse people who are not believing in him, because it would means that he is shortsighted or... Weak like people. I think he is above things like that.

I know


I don't believe in God.

Me too


Ah ok. Me not

If there is, then there is only one God for all people in the world. But I respect every faith. People who have a different faith or no faith at all are just as valuable. It depends on the character and not the faith.

Yes, sure. But I dont understand him.

Hallo copperhead, mit mir spricht er auch nicht.

Hallo copperhead, mit mir spricht er auch nicht.
😀 So meinte ich das nicht.
Also wenn man in die Kirche geht hört man jedesmal, dass Gott allmächtig ist, barmherzig ist und das er ein liebender und sorgender Vater ist. Ich frag mich dann aber, warum die Welt so voller Hass ist. Kinder verhungern zu lassen ist auch nicht soooo barmherzig. Völlig unschuldige Menschen in Kriegen sterben zu lassen ist jetzt nicht so sehr liebend. Und Millionen Menschen beten zu ihm und bitten ihn, das diese Sachen nicht passieren und es passiert trotzdem...

This is a problem for me too , I seem to believe in God.
When I was a child, my mother took me to church every Sunday. The people in the church said that only by believing in God can we have eternal life.
However, as I grew older, I didn't go to church anymore because I didn't have time and lost the habit of praying. But because I used to believe in God, I am now a bit confused. I believe in God or not, and many people don't believe in him. I don't know if my faith is correct.😂

This is a problem for me, I seem to believe in God.
When I was a child, my mother took me to church every Sunday. The people in the church said that only by believing in God can we have eternal life.
However, as I grew older, I didn't go to church anymore because I didn't have time and lost the habit of praying. But because I used to believe in God, I am now a bit confused.
I believe in God or not, and many people don't believe in him. I don't know if my faith is correct

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