Favourite month

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What's your favourite month?😃 and why🙂

March... Persian New Year (Nowrouz) 💚🤍❤️

April! I like spring:not too hot not too cold,not too dry...🤭


I like mostly cool months like December and January

August (i Like the Summer)and i also like all Month in spring


I guess June, not because I was born in that month, but because it's the middle of the year, and at least here June is weird, it could be really hot or it could be cloudy and rainy, you just don't know what you'll get, I like the fact that each day could change from the other, or maybe one hour can be different than the others, it has an overall weird couple of days and I enjoy it

April spring time

July my birthday [ a day about me ;]

October because winter is coming.

I agree 🙂

October 🍂🍁 Because in October is Halloween 🎃👻🤡🎃💀! But I also love July 🌊☀️☀️☀️

May for sure

August because it's usually not that warm anymore(especially in the end of august) and because of my birthday. Also because of summer holidays🏖🏝☀️

Tämä aihe on ollut epäaktiivinen jonkin aikaa ja on nyt vain luku -tilassa.