Do you have glasses or contact lenses

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Do you have spectacles, if yes then what power?
I'll start, -0.5 on both eyes and I have spectacles.

I have glasses, but... Like, lens only for one eye, because of astigmatism. But I wear them very rarely.

Better Eyesight Without Glasses Book by William Bates very interesting book about wearing glass. The book talk about "Bates method", a technique for correcting poor eyesight through exercise. The rationale behind the Bates method is that if you wear glasses or contact lenses, the chances are that you don't really need to. Prescription lenses act as a prop for the eye muscles so over time the eyes actually get weaker. In the long term, glasses will only ever weaken the eyes. So that's what Bates try to convey in this book.

no, i have a good eyesight

Glasses but I want contact lenses

I had both, due to my problem i have to stick with glasses.

Glasses but I want contact lenses
I can relate to that

I am supposed to wear glasses, but I don’t,
Reason 1: I look like a harry potter fan nerd
Reason2 : they don’t help

I have glasses, left eye -3.25, and right eye -2.25. I also have contacts for doing sports etc, but I usually don't wear them because i prefer glasses

No. Only as a child I was wearing glasses, but this time is over.

I'm jealous of you guys, I have +7 and +8 on my eyes, so I obviously have glasses.
I look better in glasses but they're uncomfortable and annoying so I just wear contacts from when I wake up till getting ready for bed.

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