E Book or printed book, what do you think?

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I love to read and so I have many books, but since over teen years I have a E Book Reader too! I love use it in the holidays! What do you think? Do you like more the E books or do you prefair the traditionel printed book?

I prefer traditional book. It's just so oldstylish, the touch, the smell of paper... I would use e device only if there would be something exclusivly in electronic version.

But I appreciate how handy and comfortable it is to keep every "books" in pocket.
To my pocket I can put only one book, if isn't too big xD

14 years back I couldn't read more than 3 pagers on screen. So I used to take printout and read if the document is more than 4 pagers. Then I had to travel lot, spend hours at airports. Same time I had to carry many documents such as technical manuals, contracts , new products, and my books. So I did not have a choice and compelled to read on screen. On top of that Ebooks became so popular and lot of ebooks available free in the net so got used to read on screen. But still I like to have paper books. I feel happy when I look at my book rack.

I prefer printed books, they feel easier to read and they seems to have something special —but Ebooks are better in a lot of things; availability, speed, price, and many more so for productivity’s sake I use them a lot and get used to them.

Somebody's going to have to pull my bloody head through their 7 inch glass viewing-screen before they make me give up full-spread books completely! 🙂 Until you can find a way to fit (smash) my head through the e-reader's screen which a wide book can accomodate

I like the original books better it seems that I also read faster with a real book. But for holidays it's easier to bring an e-reader because at first I had the problem that my whole bag was full with books instead of clothes and necessary things😅

I like the original books better it seems that I also read faster with a real book. But for holidays it's easier to bring an e-reader because at first I had the problem that my whole bag was full with books instead of clothes and necessary things😅
My point of view! 🙂

Definitely printed books! The book is such an awesome invention, I don't like the idea of making it digital. Furthermore, I can't read from a screen for long without getting a headache.
Books are just so wonderful in their texture and smell and so on that I would never use an ebook ☺

LuciaFuchs muokkasi tätä .

I like both, e-book is an easy access and you have a complete libary always with you. However, physical books does not need a device or power supply to work.

Printed books! They feels close to heart😃

printed book of course
*love the smell of books ☺️

Since I'm kind of a bibliosmiac, I'd go for printed books.

100% printed books

I prefer E-books because my eyesight is not perfect. You can adapt the size of the text with E-books (at least if you have a Kindle).

I absolutely prefer printed books…

I like traditionel printed book

E book, we need more trees to save our planet

Dear Miki_mas, in Germany 90% of books are produced using waste paper! But the forestes and woods are cut away by the leftist and green fanatiscis to build wind turbines! Great, don't you think soo!

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