What men think women with six pack or nice defined abs?

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So far i met some guys don't like the idea of women having six pack or abs - they think it's not 'suitable' or just 'doesn't make sense' as typically muscles are for MEN not women.

Both males and females are welcomed to give thoughts on this

I'd find her attractive. But many women seem like the show off type in photos.

Oh, I don't like when girls have abs. It's not sexy.

And from data I found in internet, girls also mostly prefers guys without very visible abs.

I assume most people have personal preferences about the way people look. Like some people are into blonde hair and others are into dark hair, for no particular reason. Might have something to do with the society they live in, I don't know.
If it was that kind of thing and a guy doesn't like it simply because he's not into it, I'd find it reasonable.

If a guy didn't like it because of the reasons you named: Not suitable because muscles are for men, I'd stay very far away from him.

Six pack nice or not depends on personal taste I'm curious on the biological impact on that during the pregnancy .

I'd find someone with muscles maybe sexy to be around? 🙂 Sorry, I wish I had a flat stomach but I've not been lucky with abs.

I find it pretty sexy to be honest, if it's not over the top.

I think both men and women have already built in six abs for a good purpose,it is Natural and Sexy of course,.

Everybody have muscles, they are there for a reason. Personal preference is something else, there might be people who likes women with muscles and some who doesn't but i don't care, everybody should just be how they like to be, how they feel happy. If a women have bigger muscles than men, maybe some men feels threatened by that as they think men have to be stronger than women. But in my opinion, who is afraid of this have a little lack in self-confidence.
