Has anyone ever gotten a creepy email from a guy named Zach Chapman that harasses women for having short hair and gets angry if you don't answer his questions about your shampoo?

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I got an email that was something like:
" I'm Zach, I'm a sweet 16 boy. I hate short haired women and answering personal questions is a must. What shampoo do you use? How long is your hair?". Turns out he's an old guy with a hair fetish that has been harassing women since 2016. He lurks on Reddit and harassed girls on PenPal World. Nothing wrong with preferences but asking what shampoo I use, what my hair smells like, etc in your first email is hella weird. He then proceeded to tell me what he expects in a female friend and got defensive when I said that it's ok for women to have short hair. He accused me of being fake when he refused to show me what he looks like. He claims to be 6'5 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Bullshit. He's a man in his 40s that still lives with his parents so I hear. I sent him poop poo pornography and he got angry. The bastard asked if I had pale skin..

But that‘s very scary. Obviously there are a lot of strange people on the internet , since they can hide their real selves and make up a new "character".
Anyway , can you just report this guy to the ...... I don't know , maybe admin? Otherwise , I'm pretty sure that he will continue doing the same thing.

lbi lbi

Ew, you should block and report him

A woman I know mostly on Facebook also said she has a like for sniffing hair but she hasn't said that in a long time now. I once met her at the grocery store where we shop. She's older than me but is okay. She never sniffed my hair when we met briefly.

I got an email that was something like:
" I'm Zach, I'm a sweet 16 boy. I hate short haired women and answering personal questions is a must. What shampoo do you use? How long is your hair?". Turns out he's an old guy with a hair fetish that has been harassing women since 2016. He lurks on Reddit and harassed girls on PenPal World. Nothing wrong with preferences but asking what shampoo I use, what my hair smells like, etc in your first email is hella weird. He then proceeded to tell me what he expects in a female friend and got defensive when I said that it's ok for women to have short hair. He accused me of being fake when he refused to show me what he looks like. He claims to be 6'5 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Bullshit. He's a man in his 40s that still lives with his parents so I hear. I sent him poop poo pornography and he got angry. The bastard asked if I had pale skin..
these things are common online, in August 2021 a girl wrote me on Instagram asking me to make friends, she followed a friend of mine on Instagram. I didn't want to but I said yes because she insisted too much. At first she asked me classic questions to make friends. I was lost in thought and as soon as I woke up so I answered in monosyllables. She started asking me particular and provocative questions and I answered with "yes" Without paying much attention to what she said. She sent me in dirty video (I don't specify everything)

I got an email that was something like:
" I'm Zach, I'm a sweet 16 boy. I hate short haired women and answering personal questions is a must. What shampoo do you use? How long is your hair?". Turns out he's an old guy with a hair fetish that has been harassing women since 2016. He lurks on Reddit and harassed girls on PenPal World. Nothing wrong with preferences but asking what shampoo I use, what my hair smells like, etc in your first email is hella weird. He then proceeded to tell me what he expects in a female friend and got defensive when I said that it's ok for women to have short hair. He accused me of being fake when he refused to show me what he looks like. He claims to be 6'5 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Bullshit. He's a man in his 40s that still lives with his parents so I hear. I sent him poop poo pornography and he got angry. The bastard asked if I had pale skin..
Damn, that's really creepy...
However, there are a lot of different types of people in the internet that are trying to fulfill their wishes they can't realize in real life. I had pretty same situation with guy who had a foot fetishism and where asking about what kind of socks I'm wearing, how my feet look like and so on... Really weird first conversation. 😂

I got an email that was something like:
" I'm Zach, I'm a sweet 16 boy. I hate short haired women and answering personal questions is a must. What shampoo do you use? How long is your hair?". Turns out he's an old guy with a hair fetish that has been harassing women since 2016. He lurks on Reddit and harassed girls on PenPal World. Nothing wrong with preferences but asking what shampoo I use, what my hair smells like, etc in your first email is hella weird. He then proceeded to tell me what he expects in a female friend and got defensive when I said that it's ok for women to have short hair. He accused me of being fake when he refused to show me what he looks like. He claims to be 6'5 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Bullshit. He's a man in his 40s that still lives with his parents so I hear. I sent him poop poo pornography and he got angry. The bastard asked if I had pale skin..
Damn, that's really creepy...
However, there are a lot of different types of people in the internet that are trying to fulfill their wishes they can't realize in real life. I had pretty same situation with guy who had a foot fetishism and where asking about what kind of socks I'm wearing, how my feet look like and so on... Really weird first conversation. 😂
People need help.

The hell
Am I the only one here who been in a real life situation

The hell
Am I the only one here who been in a real life situation
That's scary

I've had creepy messages

I got an email that was something like:
" I'm Zach, I'm a sweet 16 boy. I hate short haired women and answering personal questions is a must. What shampoo do you use? How long is your hair?". Turns out he's an old guy with a hair fetish that has been harassing women since 2016. He lurks on Reddit and harassed girls on PenPal World. Nothing wrong with preferences but asking what shampoo I use, what my hair smells like, etc in your first email is hella weird. He then proceeded to tell me what he expects in a female friend and got defensive when I said that it's ok for women to have short hair. He accused me of being fake when he refused to show me what he looks like. He claims to be 6'5 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Bullshit. He's a man in his 40s that still lives with his parents so I hear. I sent him poop poo pornography and he got angry. The bastard asked if I had pale skin..
Just got the exact same one!

Never heard of him till now. Totally creepy.

Yes i've gotten two emails now, exactly the same, over the last two years and chose to reply to the second attempt, put him in his place and explained he should look elsewhere for things like that and how he is degrading to women everywhere. Figured he was a perv so I looked up his name and two different posts on a pen pal website, again exactly the same posts, came from two different accounts and reference the other account. Let him know that if he contacted me again I will report it and he did reply with comments like "say it to my face I dare you"... so i asked for his address! Under (email hidden), (email hidden), and (email hidden) he has been contacting women in attempts to "talk". So naturally I took screenshots of the two identical posts under the two different accounts and I have the email thread from (email hidden) to show for it too.

I got an email that was something like:
" I'm Zach, I'm a sweet 16 boy. I hate short haired women and answering personal questions is a must. What shampoo do you use? How long is your hair?". Turns out he's an old guy with a hair fetish that has been harassing women since 2016. He lurks on Reddit and harassed girls on PenPal World. Nothing wrong with preferences but asking what shampoo I use, what my hair smells like, etc in your first email is hella weird. He then proceeded to tell me what he expects in a female friend and got defensive when I said that it's ok for women to have short hair. He accused me of being fake when he refused to show me what he looks like. He claims to be 6'5 with blonde hair and blue eyes. Bullshit. He's a man in his 40s that still lives with his parents so I hear. I sent him poop poo pornography and he got angry. The bastard asked if I had pale skin..
ewww that’s weird

i think i got the upgraded version of his paragraph lol, beware lovelies
hey, my name is zach! i am a sweet 16 guy united states! i have blonde hair that is thick to my ears and blue eyes and i am 6 foot 5 and slim! i am looking for a serious genuine email buddie/female friend to write e-mails with and get to know by asking personal questions! i am not looking for short boring vague and cryptic texting code jibberish i have to decipher! i do have some expectations of my email buddie- first, please avoid typing in text language, this means abbreviating letters, typing half way, using short versions of words like the word IT and typing short vague and cryptic jibberish i have to decipher! please type fully written clear coherent emails always! second- no rudeness or disrespect or ghosting me as i find doing all these things to be incredibly hateful! third-no letting friends and family pretend to be you online and i think this one is pretty explanatory! fourth-just please take penpaling seriously! fifth-being open to personal questions! sixth-no spreading hateful malicious rumors and gossip behind peoples backs! seventh-no giving my email address to hateful people to write me hateful messages! eighth-no lying about appearance, hair color, hair length, gender, identity, or real name! just to be clear, using vague and cryptic fake misleading descriptions of appearance or using photos that are not you or stealing someone elses description of appearance is not a option! i think these expectations are incredibly reasonable!

so, i am into wifi and computers and music and video games and movies and tv shows online and on dvd! so, i love girls who have beautiful hair and take care of and appreciate their hair! i am a hair and shampoo admirer of girls! i talk about hair and shampoo in every email i write so open mindedness is a must! i ask a lot of questions about appearance just to be assured the girls i am emailing are not creep guys posing as girls or some messed up girl who pretends to be friends online for malicious purposes! i like girls who are all for shampoo and being clean and having beautiful clean hair! i like girls who do not mind using the term "i shampoo my hair"!

so, what is your real name and how old are you? what does your shampoo and perfume smell like? what color is your hair and how long is your hair in front of your body/ribs length and so forth? do you have pale skin? how tall are you? do you enjoy doing anything? i am not looking for girls who only email me for a day then disappear off the face of the earth! i am also not looking for girls who lets other people control who those girls are penpals with! i expect effort, sincerity and respect from my penpals and i don't think i am asking for too much! i am not looking for girls who are sexist, ignorant and boy haters! hope you write me back soon
zach ps-i am only sweet to girls who extend me the same courtesy!--
psps-ABUSIVE HATEFUL EMAILS WROTE TO ME INSULTING WHAT I AM INTERESTED IN ABOUT THE OPPOSITE GENDER WILL BE TOLD OFF AND GHOSTED AND HATEFUL E-MAILS ATTACKING MY CHARACTER AND MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS BECAUSE SOMEONE WAS INFLUENCED INTO HARASSING ME WILL BE TOLD OFF-i put in all caps for emphasis! if you don't have anything nice and polite to say, keep your comments to yourself! to those of you who support creep serial stalker idiots like cara giulia, way of the trumpet, history nerd, jack griffin, john collins and richard kiernan who are all three the perfidious 2016 email account, need not email me!
pspsps- girls who turn hateful and abusive when their creepy friends are around but are sweet when friends are not around won't be put up with! being fake sweet is not funny or sweet! e-mails wrote to me for cruel jokes will not even be considered for email penpals!
pspspsps- using other peoples names, email accounts, and penpal accounts for deceitful purposes will absolutely not be put up with!


Oh my goodness😨🙏

You know he isn’t as old as he says when he says he’s into WI-FI

this is his newest intro email:

"hey, my name is zach! i am a sweet 16 guy united states! i have blonde thick hair to my ears and blue eyes and i am 6 foot 5 and slim! i am looking for some sweet, literate, open minded, sincere genuine email buddies/female friends to write e-mails with and get to know! all i will do is email! all i ask is if you girls are going to e-mail me, please exhibit people, communication, writing and word skills! 2 line vague and cryptic text code emails i have to decipher are not acceptable! all i ask is please type fully written clear coherent literate emails!

so, i enjoy music, video games, wifi, math and watching movies and tv shows! i love girls who appreciates their hair and takes care of their hair! i talk about girls hair and shampoo a lot so open mindedness is a must! i am open to discussing anything!

so, what is your real name and how old are you? what does your shampoo and perfume smell like? what color is your hair and how long is your hair in front of your body/ribs length and so forth? do you have pale skin? how tall are you? do you have a hobby you enjoy? hope you write me back soon.
zach ps, if you are just going to ghost me or try and act like you are superior to me, please don't waste my time with a reply! letting people pretend to be you by using your email address for deceitful purposes or you using a email address that is not yours will not be tolerated! lying about gender, appearance, identity and real name and using fake misleading email addresses or sharing your email address and sharing emails i write you with creepy friends and creepy family will not be tolerated as well!
psps-black mailing me and harassing me and bullying me and slandering me and using what i write against me will not be tolerated and will be reported to the person who is doing this parents! to those of you who think you know me because of what the idiots who spread rumors about me online say, don't believe everything you hear or read online! to those of you who support creep serial stalker idiots like cara giulia, way of the trumpet, history nerd and jack griffin, john collins and richard kiernan who are all three the perfidious 2016 email account and were made to stalk me, harass me and slander me, do not email me!
pspsps-if you intend on being incredibly sweet and respectful to other girls but intend on being sexist, ignorant and mean and hateful to other guys who were nothing but sweet and respectful to you and if you intend on taking out your snobby behavior and your anger on other guys, just pass me by and don't reply! lastly, girls who are too stupid to comprehend what penpals do and who intend on having a shitty attitude and holding ignorant grudges towards people they do not even know need not email me!"