What is an embarrassing stereotype in your country that is sometimes true??

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I am a northerner, but the north is associated with south. I have had people assume I go "yee haw!" even though I am not even from the south. A joke we have going on here is that we have grocery cart vehicles for people that are too fat to walk. It's true, we do have them 😂. I heard you are allowed to book a second seat on a plane if you are too large. While the food here can be high-fat and high sugar, believe it or not, not all Americans eat that sugary crap 24/7! I have also seen very fat people wear maternity clothes. And no, not all of us are racist and ignorant. There are racists no matter where you go, I welcome foreigners. And not every American is overly patriotic.

Part of why I myself am not patriotic about my country is because my parents are foreigners. I am the first of my family line of foreigners to be born in America. I have only celebrated American holidays a few times. While I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, I can vouch for the fact that not every American is stupid and lazy. No, I am not so fat I can't get through the door.

Not all Americans come from privileged backgrounds, I sure as hell didn't. I try to brush off the rude comments I have gotten as an American while laughing it off. I don't take these jokes seriously, in fact, I love jokes about America and stereotypical Americans! See? Not every American is incredibly sensitive.

I think beer and dirndl for the girls and lederhosen for the guys?

or straight up nazi

only very few people wear a dirndl or lederhose often, most only do for culturell celeebrations,

and we learn a lot of our mistakes in the past, it is in fact something you have to learn about how wrong it was and to it can never happen again in school for YEARS, literally YEARS
which makes it even sadder to see similar things happen in other countries, which makes it seem that other people have forgotten what happend in the past, especially since there are still a few remainig survivors of the cruelty of the nazis

Edited by lina_stei .

The stereotypes that bother me about italy are: spaghetti, piazza, mafia and mandolin.
It is true that we eat a lot of pasta but there are not only spaghetti, there are hundreds of types, and every region, city or even municipality has its own type of pasta.
It is annoying that they think we only eat pizza and pasta Italian cuisine is not based only on these 2 things.
the mafia, around the world many call us "mafiosi" to offend but it must be said that in comparison there are few mafia members and they are almost only in the south.
We are afraid of these people because they are powerful, Italy has many bad things but the mafia is the worst and we are not proud of it.
Of the mandolin it must be said that few Italians have seen it live or have heard it play

Ok, I found the topic you told me about.
So cheese, frogs, snail, whyne.
True. Lots of French love cheese, but not everyone likes those which smell like ass. Ok, I do. For whyne, we often drink it during festive dinners. In bars, we usually drink beer. And champagne is expensive, even in France.
But that's true, French gastronomy is really various.
Another stereotype is that French people speak English like ass. The thing is, that's quite true. Sometimes, I hear people pronouncing titles of American movies/series/video games, and actors/singers/bands names that's awfull « Je joue à Calle of Du ti et à Faloute ». I know, it's difficult to understand what it sounds like, but English-speaking ^people would laugh hearing that I think. More easy are "Jim Carè", "Kimberlè", "Cazè". Younger generations speak better, but there's still work to do. You should hear my father speaking English 🙂
Oh! French! Language of love xoxo (special dedication 🙂). This is one of the languages with the biggest number of curses putain de saloperie de bordel à cul de pompe à merde, ça casse les couilles, en bref, fait chier! I let you imagine the translation 🙂
France can be kind of dirty in some places. People piss on the street at night sometimes, that's away from the stereotype I heard from people I met abroad that French are clean. In old jokes, French smell bad, maybe the elder people here can remember that. And Paris city of love is full of zombies, especially in the metro (subway) or RER (Résou Express Régional d'Île de France which means Regional Express Network), cause some people work at the other side of the city so they spend their lives at work or in the transports or stations.
And for music, we don't listen only accordéon (special dedication again 🙂). There are some underground bands who use it, but usually, accordéon is in musics of the begining of the 20th Century. We have good rappers (Mc Solaar, Keny Arkana, Iam, NTM…), reggae men (Dub Inc., Danakil), rockers and punks (Téléphone, Trust, Béruriers Noirs, Tagada Jones, Les Sales Magestés…) and we have Frenchcor (French hardtech).
A funny thing is French characters in American movies and series. When it isn't said immediatly that they're French, they sound like a bad imitation of German accent.

I've heard people from other countries saying Chinese like spicy food.
Well, that is partially true. Chinese cuisine can be simply divided into these major cuisine systems: Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine, Fujian cuisine, Zhejiang cuisine, Hunan cuisine and Anhui cuisine.As far as I know, Sichuan cuisine sand Hunan cuisines are quite spicy. Many Sichuan people and Hunan people really like spicy food. Fujian cuisine, on the other hand, tastes light.I don't think the food in my hometown belongs to any of these cuisine systems. I come from Jiangxi Province, China. Like Sichuan and Hunan,spicy food is also really popular in Jiangxi. But in fact, not everyone in Jiangxi likes spicy food. I can eat spicy food, but not really into spicy food.

As I told in the chese forum, Italy and Swisserland has good cheeses too. And I heard that in some American restaurants, they do "French tacos. The French tacos was made in Lyon by people from Magreb. It isn't a real tacos. That's just a crêpe with meat, salade, tomatoes, onions and salse (samurai, harissa,…).
Another French stereotype is French names. There are lots of different origines in France even if it doesn't please to nationalists. There are lots of Magrebin people. So Abdel, Kader, Rashide, Fatima, Moustafa, Toufik, Asma, Akim, Walide, Hamza, Hedy or Benaziz are current names.

A lot of stereotypes about Americans are actually spot on. I am American, and I have lived in the U.K. and in the U.A.E. (and I have traveled abroad) - and we really are loud, obnoxious, self-centered, and spoiled. I still love the U.S.A. though. It is my home land, after all.

Being frugal and spoiled...most definitely.

I like this topic. I have to speak about America because America is a continent and not a country named the USA. So, Latinoamerica isn't part of the USA. Please be aware of this when you speak with Latin people. Now, the stereotype people said about Latin people is that we like hugs, kisses and are open-minded. I can assure you there is people like that, but not every person. I personally don't like it when someone invades my personal space.

That people here are disrespectful in many ways (e.g. giving others unsolicited information about their personal lives, invading the personal lives of other people, disregarding traffic rules even if it causes people to get hurt, being outright sexist which affects both men and women and swearing too often even in settings where it is not appropriate) and in addition to that, many people here get too fanatical to the point that celebrities get elected simply for being celebrities and politicians get treated like they are gods.

These embarrassing stereotypes are sometimes true and so embarrassing for us that some of us actually chose to immigrate out of this country (or at least immerse ourselves with the culture of another country) so that we won't be associated with these things that as individuals, we want nothing to do with.

The people of the 50 states and territories are universally called “Americans”.

That people here are disrespectful in many ways (e.g. giving others unsolicited information about their personal lives, invading the personal lives of other people, disregarding traffic rules even if it causes people to get hurt, being outright sexist which affects both men and women and swearing too often even in settings where it is not appropriate) and in addition to that, many people here get too fanatical to the point that celebrities get elected simply for being celebrities and politicians get treated like they are gods.

These embarrassing stereotypes are sometimes true and so embarrassing for us that some of us actually chose to immigrate out of this country (or at least immerse ourselves with the culture of another country) so that we won't be associated with these things that as individuals, we want nothing to do with.

Are you speaking of the Philippines or America? If America, I agree. Yes! 100%. Nosy, overreaching, fanatical, foul mouthed! I have not visited the Philippines yet, though I hope to.

Here in France, people are considered as chauvinistic... We often eat baguette, cheese, etc (snails and frogs, not really), maito has totally well resumed the situation !! 😃
But let me add one more stereotype from another side...

As a french muslim with arab parents, and being part of the maghrebin communauty, we often are given stereotypes by people.
(I think we're not alone, it is the same everywhere, I guess...)

- First of all, we are often considered as non educated people. Of course, not everyone is like that, but unfortunately, there is a part of reality in this.
- Indeed, there are a lot of sensible neighbourhoods all over France, especially near/in big cities, such as Saint-Denis (Paris), or Bellevue (Marseille) In these neighbourhoods there is a lot of criminality, delinquency, stealing, trafficking of all kinds, and sometimes things that are much severe (you know what I'm talking about...) These "delinquents" often are of African/Maghrebin origin, but it is not always the case. They make us wear the label of "non educated". And then, these delinqents don't understand why the right-winged parties are rising... 😒

This became a huge encumbrance for us. Even for me. One day, I remembered going with my friend in a store. The store security guard kept following me and checking the sections in which I have been to see if I had stolen anything ! I took it really bad, I felt like a stranger in my own country... For the studies in general it is even worse. The universities tend to choose students from wealthy, calm, advantaged backgrounds, who are over-represented, to the detriment of those who live in popular backgrounds like me. A lot of persons like me suffer of these stereotypes, although we are not really linked to them. 😒😞

Now, some right-winged parties want to "kick us" to our countries or "restrict" our rights, although the fact we are French ! We personally feel that for them the simple fact of practicing my religion makes us terrorists... Or, the simple fact of laughing out loud in the streets makes us delinquents.

These stereotypes are not true, but there is a part of reality, it's just those who really are "delinquents" who are trouble makers and create the stereotypes.

I really hope this situation will get better in the coming times... 😞

(PS : Sorry for the monologue 😂)

Edited by Sabri_KC .
That people here are disrespectful in many ways (e.g. giving others unsolicited information about their personal lives, invading the personal lives of other people, disregarding traffic rules even if it causes people to get hurt, being outright sexist which affects both men and women and swearing too often even in settings where it is not appropriate) and in addition to that, many people here get too fanatical to the point that celebrities get elected simply for being celebrities and politicians get treated like they are gods.

These embarrassing stereotypes are sometimes true and so embarrassing for us that some of us actually chose to immigrate out of this country (or at least immerse ourselves with the culture of another country) so that we won't be associated with these things that as individuals, we want nothing to do with.

Are you speaking of the Philippines or America? If America, I agree. Yes! 100%. Nosy, overreaching, fanatical, foul mouthed! I have not visited the Philippines yet, though I hope to.

I'm speaking of the Philippines. I've been to the US but I've never been treated rudely there by anyone in the two times I visited. It's probably because I visited as a tourist, that's why people were being polite.

True, there are lots of stereotypes in France about Maghrebin and Muslim people. Before that, it was against Polish and Italian. Jipsies are really discriminated too. But allgose right-winged parties are more and more virunent also because of left-winged mevements rizing since the Indignados in 2011, Nuit Debout and the Yellow Jackets.

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