Tell somthing about you're favourit book!

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I'm curios to know your Brooks taste and probably i'll find the nex book i'm gonna read!

The Lord of the rings
Quiet Don

This was my 1st book 2

Je suis Elsa je habit à montreal

How about John Green? For example Looking for Alaska. I like his sense of humor

Try Oliver Twist, Jane Eyre or David Copperfield

My fav books are maybe Children of Uhrin and The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. Not only because I like fantasy, but because of the complex language. I've read them in French and in English. It was very difficult in the original version but great anyway, especially for stories written in the 20s Century. LOTR is good as a fairy tale for adults and Uhrin as an epic tragedy.

Big fan of Walter Moers especially 13 1½ Years of Captain Bluebear quite absurd but also funny and with lots of satire.

I am currently reading Pandora-Projekt and Vortex
both are part realistic and part fantasie.

I like non fiction. The best self help book for me " 7 habits for highly effective people " book by Stephen Richards Covey

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