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What languages are you able to speak?
And which ones do you still want to learn or improve?
Are you interested in learning a new language or teaching one?
I can offer German and English.
I would like to learn Norwegian, Swedish, Finnic, Icelandic, Spanish, Greek or maybe Danish and improving my French would be great.
Send a message for interest. Thanks (;
As i was taught we should lean two languages. English and French . English help us to learn technical things ( management, science , ...) and French to lean abut life ( literature, poems, ....... )
I speak French and a bit of English. I’m learning English and German at school. I try to learn Korean too but it’s hard 😭❤️🩹
I want to learn a lot of languages lol like Japanese Korean Thai Chinese Nepalese Espagnol Italian and… more 🤣🌷
I can teach German and English.
I can help learning French and Spanish.
I'm looking for some help in basically all other languages 😂😉
I'm self taught in now 12 languages, but I still need to improve. Any help would be great. But I'm also open to learn new languages. So if you want to teach or learn, just message me and I'll gladly learn your language or teach you one 😊
I can teach German and English.
I can help learning French and Spanish.
I'm looking for some help in basically all other languages 😂😉
I'm self taught in now 12 languages, but I still need to improve. Any help would be great. But I'm also open to learn new languages. So if you want to teach or learn, just message me and I'll gladly learn your language or teach you one 😊
I can teach German and English.
I can help learning French and Spanish.
I'm looking for some help in basically all other languages 😂😉
I'm self taught in now 12 languages, but I still need to improve. Any help would be great. But I'm also open to learn new languages. So if you want to teach or learn, just message me and I'll gladly learn your language or teach you one 😊