Like I have so many girls that like me I can't even count on both hands
Like I have so many girls that like me I can't even count on both hands
Start to formulate Hypothesis 0 for which females get attracted in you as much as any other males.
Calculate the theoretical number of females that should get interested in a random male.
Calculate Ꭓ².
Compare to a treshold value.
If Ꭓ²>> Ꭓ(treshold), then you eventually attract more females.
If so, determine the causes : Isolate parameters that makes you different from the average male.
Try to lure the female in its natural environment.
If it's the cash, try to put a bill on a fishing rod. If the female doesn't fall for it, it is probably not the case.
If it'(s the smell, put some scent on various material; cardboard looking like you, piece of wood... Use different perfume to observe the effects.
Try to always observe the female in its natural environment, in order to get the most reliable data. Remember that the female is a strange and peculiar individual,.
Good luck doing some ethololology.
Start to formulate Hypothesis 0 for which females gets attracted in you as much as any other males.
Calculate the theoretical number of females that should get interested in a random male.
Calculate Ꭓ².Compare to a treshold value.
If Ꭓ²>> Ꭓ(treshold), then you eventually attract more females.If so, determine the causes : Isolate parameters that makes you different from the average male.
Try to lure the female in its natural environment.
If it's the cash, try to put a bill on a fishing road. If the female doesn't fall for it, it is probably not the case.
If it'(s the smell, put some scent on various material; cardboard looking like you, piece of wood... Use different perfume to observe the effects.
Try to always observe the female in its natural environment, in order to get the most reliable data. Remember that the female is a strange and peculiar individual,.Good luck doing some ethololology.
I think it could'nt be more merithorical than You were here xD Good job!
Lianshen I have no Idea what you said
Start to formulate Hypothesis 0 for which females get attracted in you as much as any other males.
Calculate the theoretical number of females that should get interested in a random male.
Calculate Ꭓ².Compare to a treshold value.
If Ꭓ²>> Ꭓ(treshold), then you eventually attract more females.If so, determine the causes : Isolate parameters that makes you different from the average male.
Try to lure the female in its natural environment.
If it's the cash, try to put a bill on a fishing rod. If the female doesn't fall for it, it is probably not the case.
If it'(s the smell, put some scent on various material; cardboard looking like you, piece of wood... Use different perfume to observe the effects.
Try to always observe the female in its natural environment, in order to get the most reliable data. Remember that the female is a strange and peculiar individual,.Good luck doing some ethololology.
Agree with the null hypothesis, how to estimate the theoretical number of females that "should" get interested in a random male?
If you leave the decision of threshold value on him (Malachi), there is a chance he might choose a threshold to get a biased result to support his statement.
P.S. Laughing my a** off! Thanks.