Life of Your dreams

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If You would have magical button... And after click it, You can have Your perfect life - Your desires are coming true, the person You likes, start liking You too, everything is going well, as far, as You can be happy thanks to it. And live happy.

Would You press that?

Im asking because of motive that sometimes appear in some cultural texts (books, movies, games, whatever), where the "villain" is going to cast or throw some kind of spell or dream on the humanity, what will let people(or force them is better word) to live in world of their desires.

While the "heroes" are trying to stop the villains from doing that.

Both sides are doing it, without asking what people want. Both sides see justice and righteousness in their actions.

What would be better in Your opinion then?

After all, living in reality, where our dreams are coming true, and where everything is just awesome and life is going well for us, making us happy... Sounds amazing, right? Why anyone would fight with it?

I'm waiting for Your opinions and thoughts.

The PERFECT life maybe fit for 2 weeks, 1 month but then i think will be boring.
You can't really appreciate something if you don't fight for that. It would be easier click that button and have a perfect life but if yuo're never struggels for that thingh yuo can't never appreciate that.

The PERFECT life maybe fit for 2 weeks, 1 month but then i think will be boring.
You can't really appreciate something if you don't fight for that. It would be easier click that button and have a perfect life but if yuo're never struggels for that thingh yuo can't never appreciate that.

Good point! Yes... I also believe that it's similar to evil / goodness. There is goodness only if at the other side, is evil. Okay, maybe not exactly, because life and everything is generally complicated...

But yes, I like imagine how I won the lottery, and buying the most expensive things isn't fun.

Also, thank You for bumping my topic. People ignored it : (
But You didn't.

As you think, so shall you become - Bruce Lee
This quote defines your thoughts will create your happiness . Nothing comes easy in life . Even the greatest betrayal comes from the person you trust most !

No, I'd not have pushed that button. It might also be the button for someone else's unhappiness. Our lives intersect and our expectations conflict with others. Therefore life should stay as a struggle and happiness as the reward of victorious ones. That's fair.

If it's a button for a perfect life, I assume that the life we would get is adaptating to our desires in order for us not to get "bored" and include some obstacles to "appreciate the things you get" if necessary. Same, I'd assume that it is not done at the expense of someone else if it's truly what a perfect life means to you because, after all, it's supposed to be perfect.

On my part, I'd definitely push such a button even if it wasn't so perfect in the end, simply for the fact that I consider being bored as a better state than many other possibly states.

But yes, I like imagine how I won the lottery, and buying the most expensive things isn't fun.

Admitting that you win the lottery, you may not find it fun to buy the most expensive things, but what is sure is that you don't need to sell your time to a company unwantedly and that you won't starve, die from a lack of medications/access to health et caetera.

Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.