who loves Emo?raise ur hands !~

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me too me too :} I like my chrimical romance but theres so many band that I can't diside which I like best :]

But...but... My chemical romance are not emo! Placebo are not emo! And emo music is born about twenty years ago! ><
Anyway, I listen emo music, and I love wearing black eyeliner XD
My favourite bands are Panic! At the Disco and Taking Back Sunday, but they are a bit screamo... ^w^

chemical romance no alter brigde yes

is there anyone who loves Emo?
what' s ur favorite band?
do u make-up with black eye shadow&eye liner?
I do!
I love emo style ( emo boys 001_wub ) , I love the bands "Head automatica" and "Fall out boy" (Pete Wentz !! <333 ) & I like "My chemical Romance"

But the best are emo boys ! 😆

first ting i am emo and my frav band is MCR and fall out boy
i once "borrowed" my sisters eye shadow and got grounded for a week=[ so i brought me own =D


is there anyone who loves Emo?
what' s ur favorite band?
do u make-up with black eye shadow&eye liner?
I do!
I love emo style ( emo boys 001_wub ) , I love the bands "Head automatica" and "Fall out boy" (Pete Wentz !! <333 ) & I like "My chemical Romance"

But the best are emo boys ! 😆

yea i get kinnda annoyed on being hit on =[
:hmm: :hmm:

jared leto is the sexiest guy ever!

I hate EMOs.
I think they're gay
Guys who act like girls? C'mon.
So your girlfriend left you? So what?
Atleast,She didn't took your money and car.
I feel sorry for those stupid EMOs.
They can't even to fight for their rights. "Why i am so Anti Social?" They ask those questions all the time.
I'd say "I am Anti Social,If you got problems,Good for you,They are not interesting."

I think they're gay
There are few gays here who could be offensed with that. 😉
For your luck, i am not.

Answer to the question:
No, especially if they're male.
They ruin the view.
Imagine i'm going to the beach, seeing girls in bikinis and suddenly there stands a sad little
dark boy who's cutting his wrists listening to the music covered with crying (vocalist).

If they're girls, i can take it, as long as they don't look like skeletons and leave black fluid* behind where they were standing.
Like my up-to-date car does.

I am more for the "Hi i'm social, let's go have a drink, shall we?" -people. 😉

Edited by Taikeri .

My chemical romance, fall out boy and panic at the disco are isn't emo band.

I'm not emo. I'm a scene.
My favorite bands are; See You Next Tuesday, Bring me the horizon, Carnifex and Closterkeller. It's a grindcore, deathcore and gothic🙂

and... true emo are dead. Now substitute is only...

Edited by wanda .

I have nothing against Gays, But i have a lot against Emos.

But I totally agree with you. Emo Girls can be fine, Sometimes,
But... Emo boys are a shame to humanity.
"I like being social, Now give me your money!"

I hate them posers.

as long as they are real emos and not scene kids i'm fine... and as long as they don't bother me!! >.<

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