But...but... My chemical romance are not emo! Placebo are not emo! And emo music is born about twenty years ago! ><
Anyway, I listen emo music, and I love wearing black eyeliner XD
My favourite bands are Panic! At the Disco and Taking Back Sunday, but they are a bit screamo... ^w^
first ting i am emo and my frav band is MCR and fall out boy
i once "borrowed" my sisters eye shadow and got grounded for a week=[ so i brought me own =D
I hate EMOs.
I think they're gay
Guys who act like girls? C'mon.
So your girlfriend left you? So what?
Atleast,She didn't took your money and car.
I feel sorry for those stupid EMOs.
They can't even to fight for their rights. "Why i am so Anti Social?" They ask those questions all the time.
I'd say "I am Anti Social,If you got problems,Good for you,They are not interesting."
There are few gays here who could be offensed with that. 😉 For your luck, i am not.
Answer to the question:
No, especially if they're male.
They ruin the view.
Imagine i'm going to the beach, seeing girls in bikinis and suddenly there stands a sad little
dark boy who's cutting his wrists listening to the music covered with crying (vocalist).
If they're girls, i can take it, as long as they don't look like skeletons and leave black fluid* behind where they were standing.
Like my up-to-date car does.
I am more for the "Hi i'm social, let's go have a drink, shall we?" -people. 😉
My chemical romance, fall out boy and panic at the disco are isn't emo band.
I'm not emo. I'm a scene.
My favorite bands are; See You Next Tuesday, Bring me the horizon, Carnifex and Closterkeller. It's a grindcore, deathcore and gothic🙂
and... true emo are dead. Now substitute is only...
I have nothing against Gays, But i have a lot against Emos.
But I totally agree with you. Emo Girls can be fine, Sometimes,
But... Emo boys are a shame to humanity.
"I like being social, Now give me your money!"