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60 años,
60 años, de Noruega
July 09, 2021 18:55
July 09, 2021 18:55
I was wondering if there are any writers amongst the penpal gate members.
If so what type of writing do you practice
31 años,
31 años, de Francia
July 09, 2021 20:11
July 09, 2021 20:11
I'm in a project of fantasy novel. But I also write short stories, tales and epic poetry. My first poeme's title is "Les lamentations du dragon", which means "The dragon's lament".
35 años,
35 años, de Alemania
July 16, 2021 05:24
July 16, 2021 05:24
I wrote a theatre play abd sometimes poems. I am planning another theatre play right now
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