Why doesn't the world spend money to help Japan deal with nuclear sewage?

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I think the world should help Japan deal with nuclear waste water, otherwise Japan will discharge nuclear waste water into the ocean.

I guess you mean the news about Japan planing on releasing nuclear waste water from fukushima in the ocean.
To the people who don't know what's it about:
- in 2011, after an earthquake and tsunamie, Reactorbuildings at the Fukushima Power Plant were damaged and knocked out the cooling systems; three reactors melt down
- to cool those reactors, they used million tonnes of water
- this water got filtered and is planned to be realesed in the ocean in two years
- even though it was cleaned, it still remains radioactivity

Here are some reasons why i think no one is helping:
- realesing nuclear waste water in the ocean is nothing new. Many countries have done it before
- the amount of radioactivity will be in the enviroment for a few hundred years but it will not really affect us (as far, as we know or as far as we are supposed to know)
- most of the countries (that would be able to help) are having 'nuclear waste problems' on their own

No one really knows if it's as safe as IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) claims it to be. If Japan isn't really asking for help i guess there will no help come. It would be important yes, but still most Governments make economy always more important than life.
Nevertheless, I agree with you that it would be better, when the countries would work together to solve things like that.

Edytowane przez runningfox .
I think the world should help Japan deal with nuclear waste water, otherwise Japan will discharge nuclear waste water into the ocean.
This water has to end up somewhere. Your government is doing something on your concern because if Japan doesn't do anything about this water, then the risk that it does leak and affect Japaneses citizens will be something. However, if the waste is properly treated, and the concentration of radiative elements low enough, then releasing this water in the ocean won't be a problem at all.

I know nuclear disasters are sensational, that it does a big "BOOM" and that we have people claiming there are extreme level of radiation making fish with 3 eyes and one leg, and that it's a threat to humanity and so on, but that's mostly a myth and far from being a threat to life on EArth (there are high radiation natural places around there, like in yangjiang without life being fucked up) and nothing in term of victims compared to other fossil based plants.

So, to sum up: no need to ask for money (money would probably change nothing, except making some people richers). The only thing Japaneses should do is to make sure the people involved in the release of the waste water are doing their job properly.

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