Harry Potter-favorite characters Anything and everything

Sirius Black !Sorry but I think Harry is a spoiled child, I mean he isn't sooo intelligent but he is the main charackter because of a stupid prophetie... he is the chosen one, but he is so arrogant !!!Hermione should be the main charackter, she is more talented !

He's not spoiled ... the fact that he's the chosen one makes him look like ... the classic "1000 points to Gryffindor!"

I love Luna Lovegood she reminds me of myself in some aspects and I can definitely relate to her because she is so free spirited and doesn't care about what other people think of her no matter how many times someone calls her "weird", "strange"or " crazy"
I also like Luna Lovegood for the same reason 😀

my favorite characters in Harry Potter are:
-Luna Lovegood
-Ronald Bilius Weasley
-Lord Voldemort
-Severus Piton
-Newt Scamander
Harry Potter
Sirius black
Minerva Mc Gonagall
dobby <3
Hermione Granger

Definitely Draco Malfoyyyyy

Luna Lovegood

I really like Hermione

I loooove Luna. Sometimes I feel like I'm a Luna in this world.

Sirius, lupin, dobby, the weasley twins, ronald, mcgonnagall

Hermione Granger y Ron Weasley

My favourite characters are -
1. Lily Evans Potter
2. Severus Snape
3. Hermione Granger Weasley
4. Draco Malfoy
5. Luna Lovegood
6. Ginny Weasley Potter
7. Fred & George Weasley
8. Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody
9. Remus Lupin
10. Petunia Evans Dursley (Weird right - haha, I know)

Nevil 😁

Neville Longbottom is my absolute favourite character in Harry Potter and I always felt sorry for Snape when he was so unfair to him. He doesn't seem to have had any friends either.

Sirius, lupin, dobby, the weasley twins, ronald, mcgonnagall
I was really sad when Sirius died.

1. Prof. Snape
2. Luna
3. Harmoine
4. Hagrid
5. Norbert (don't know wh, but fell in love with it when it burped fire after getting out of its shell! )

Sirius, lupin, dobby, the weasley twins, ronald, mcgonnagall
I was really sad when Sirius died.

Me too. And heart broken when learnt about Prof. Snape. Harry’s dad seemed like a lame show-off to me -_-

Hermione is great, her intelligence and her ability to solve bad situations, even if she has a big ego hahaha.

my favourite characters are Hermione (we are veryyy alike) and Sirus Black (I literally cried when he died)

My favorite characters is Draco Malefoy. He's so beautiful Grr

I just love Neville Longbottom, because he was not gifted with like a billion talents and he overcame his insecurities, even though he was bullied and people just laughed about him. Draco Malfoy was a really interesting character, because he was expected to live a certain life. Even though he was just mean all the time, especially in the first few books, he was struggling hard with who his parents are and what they turned him into. That very same struggle had Voldemort too, I liked that character too. Okay, that just from the books...
In the movies, Snape actor Alan Rickman did an incredible job portraying him. Rupert Grint had a really charming and funny way to play Ron, which made me love that character a LOT.