favorite book in Childhood

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My favorite book when I was a child is Charlotte's Web, a story about friendship.

Jules Verne - Around the World in Eighty Days‎.

The first book I loved in my life is a german child book called "Emil got lost". It's about a little duck exploring his home area

Snow white

The Gift of the Magi

When I think of childhood books I think further back to books were read to me. I vividly remember the images from the books as well as general story. Some that stick out to me are:

The Little Engine That Could
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
Little Toot
Harold and the Purple Crayon

My favourite book was "Little Raccoon" by Lilian Moore

James and the giant peach

De olijke tweeling, Floortje Bellefleur, De dolle tweeling (The twins at St.Clairs), De vijf (The famous five) en boeken van WG vd Hulst en Piet Prins. Ik las heel veel.

Robert Louis Stevenson‘s „The Treasury Island“

Enid Blyton

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