Tell a weird dream

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We always do weird or funny dreams, and sometimes, they deserve to be told !
Tell me about one of your weirdest dreams !

When I was younger I dreamed about me and my family in my house, we were lit only by small candles and in the floor there were many holes. We heard terrible sounds came out of the holes and sometimes from those holes came out green hands, and we were terrified and we were all sitting on the sofa. But we were starving so my mom tried to go in the kitchen but one green hand came out of the hole and took her into it. Then my dad tried but he too was took into a hole. Then I was lonely and in that moment the green hands came out of the holes and pulled me in, and then I woke up.
I think it was my worst and weirdest dream, it happened a lot of time ago but I can remember it today too. 😂
And what is yours weirdest dream?

and I also think that it is a stupid dream , but when I dreamed about it it was so scary 😂

When I was younger I dreamed about me and my family in my house, we were lit only by small candles and in the floor there were many holes. We heard terrible sounds came out of the holes and sometimes from those holes came out green hands, and we were terrified and we were all sitting on the sofa. But we were starving so my mom tried to go in the kitchen but one green hand came out of the hole and took her into it. Then my dad tried but he too was took into a hole. Then I was lonely and in that moment the green hands came out of the holes and pulled me in, and then I woke up.
I think it was my worst and weirdest dream, it happened a lot of time ago but I can remember it today too. 😂
And what is yours weirdest dream?
Actually, if I was younger, I would also be scared of that dream !

My weirdest dream ?
I was locked up with my whole class in a very gray room. We were sitting in a circle on chairs, and we had a spray can filled with water. We were playing a game where the goal was to walk around the circle, then choose someone to ask a general knowledge question. If the person you chose answered incorrectly, we had to sprinkle them with water, and it was their turn to get up. One of my close comrades started, he chose my friend. She answered badly and was therefore sprayed as soberly as possible. She then stood up and chose me. I answered incorrectly and was also sprayed. So I got up, when one of my teachers came into the room, and yelled "HEY LET'S GO TO THE CINEMA"

It was so weird that when I woke up I laughed so hard... XD
It was short in time, but I immediatly understood everything, so there were very much details

ahahaha, oh yeah it's funny, I don't remember if I had funny dreams in the past 😂.... the only that I remember are the one of the green hands and one about a lobster and a wolf 😂

Sadie, it was so interesting ! Would you please give me your authorization to write a short scifi horror story about it? Or just integrate those creatures of whom you just saw their green hands into my fictional universe? Dreams (mines or others) are a big source of inspiration. If you like, I can tell you more about the idears you gave me, but in private messages, cause I don't want someone to still me the idear without asking me before. That's also why I ask YOU before doing anything.
It reminds me about dreams I had when I was a child. I can't tell you one precisely, cause it would be too long, and there is an evolution between those dreams, so I'd have to tell you several of them, and it'd be a hefty tome. Besides, one of the characters of the book I'm righting has regularly those same dreams, so most of them will be written in it. So, I'd just talk about the concept.
But firstly, people who don't know me yet have to know that I'm blind since birth. With this information, you'll maybe understand more easily the way I felt during those dreams.
Imagine weird sounds, like "tic", "tac", whistles, sucking noises or other creepy sounds. I know it is dangerous, but I'm kinda attracted by those sounds, or sometimes, I'm just petrified. They can come from in front of me, from wholes or from slopes in the floor, even if those holes and slopes weren't there before. And when I arrive, things which seem to not really exist in our plan tickle, hit, prick, claw, burn me, stick into my skin or even flay me alive. And if I don't move to them, they move to me.
Because of my blindness, when I was a child, I was afraid of getting hurt, so in my nightmares, I just heard horrible noises and finished really badly injured (sometimes even mortally wounded).

oh, yeah. You can use my dream if you want. There isn't any problem 😊. And I'm so sorry that you're blind, it's a terrible thing!

Not so terrible, that's just life and I don't know otherwize.

I dreamed, that my cat was a zombie with yellow eyes, which wanted to eat me😂
It was quite horrorfying and weird😂😂

I dreamed, that my cat was a zombie with yellow eyes, which wanted to eat me😂
It was quite horrorfying and weird😂😂
It's funny, I already had a similar dream ! 😂

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