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últimos mensajes
19 años,
19 años, de Alemania
July 19, 2021 19:36
July 19, 2021 19:36
My best friend💕 I know her since I can think and I don't think we were apart for more than two weeks ever since. I have no idea what I would do without her🥺
17 años,
17 años, de Dinamarca
July 23, 2021 07:20
July 23, 2021 07:20
My parents, but who I really can't lose is my sister! She's my favorite person in the world ^오^
20 años,
20 años, de Alemania
July 23, 2021 09:57
July 23, 2021 09:57
I love my best friend, she´s always there for me.
16 años,
16 años, de Seychelles
July 23, 2021 14:45
17 años,
17 años, de Bangladés
July 26, 2021 06:00
July 26, 2021 06:00
My long distance boyfriend, Edward
25 años,
25 años, de Países Bajos
August 08, 2021 11:41
August 08, 2021 11:41
For sure my bestfriend for almost 7 years. Love that girl so much!! my boyfriend means also a lot to me.
38 años,
38 años, de Estados Unidos
August 08, 2021 12:32
August 08, 2021 12:32
My cat was my favorite, but he passed away.
Editado por Echirise August 09, 2021 16:51 .
23 años,
23 años, de Sri Lanka
August 08, 2021 12:42
August 08, 2021 12:42
My mom 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🎊🎊🎊💕🎊💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💐
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últimos mensajes
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