looking for a chatting group Tutto e niente

Hey guys. I found out here is lot of people come to chat and learn something. Most of them are try to improve their English or to learn new languages. Some of guys are here to talk about cultures, hobbies, etc. I literally like everything. But also I wanna improve my English skills. So what are the other websites you guys know. Like this penpalgate. Sometime I go to chatroom and no ones to chat. If you guys know something please leave the webpage name. (I mean except Facebook, Instagram, myspace)

And I also have a suggestion. We can create a group for talk about a topic. As for a example Europa history, Inca empire, etc. or Future innovation and our life. We can have so much fun with the same kind of people. What are you guys thinking? What are the suggestion? Just tell what you guys think.

I thin k that is a great idea

hi guys

What is wrong with the chat. Everytime i want to join the screen says "F E H L E R 5 0 0 !"

Good idea indeed! Are you thinking of a live chat? That might be difficult to arrange with countries and time zones all over the world. We could also just start something here on the forum?

Good idea indeed! Are you thinking of a live chat? That might be difficult to arrange with countries and time zones all over the world. We could also just start something here on the forum?
yeah I agree with you. If we can live chat that would be so nice. What so ever you suggest the better way. That will give lot of people to join.

Please do not refer to third parties and other websites. We cannot guarantee your privacy nor help you if something went wrong in those sites.

Thanks in forward.

I think thats a great idea! No one talks in the chatroom :/

Hello there, My name is Homero but I like to be called Homer, with the O being omitted... Whoa this chatroom is empty! And it is my first time here so at least it makes it easier.

Questo argomento è inattivo da un po' e ora è di sola lettura.