Meeting a penpal

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I wanted to know if you guys did ever meet a penpal in real life?
If yes, what did you do? How was it going? Did you like or dislike it and did maybe something change after that?

I am curious About your experiences 🙂

I did. This person doesn't talk to me anymore 😂😂

Nope, haven't. Still pretty new to this website 🙂

yes I did ! it's been 2 years ago I was talking with a Japanese kiyoshi, we were the same age, and one day he come in france and we meet each other. I waited him at the station and then I showed him around my town, we do some shopping and then he came at home and he help me to read a story in Japanese! after that I accompanied him at the station.
after that we never talk anymore because he was working a lot... but I just loved to see him.
hope you'll see one of your penpal friend

I did too. This is someone I met in the previous version of penpal-gate (so long time ago...)! She is from Taïwan, she moved in Germany and came to spend a couple of days in my family, juste after new year. This was years ago now, but we continue to keep in touch, less often than we used too, but still. Even if we did'nt speak that much lately, she's still a good friend I like to chat with when I can 🙂
I hope you guys can meet your penpal(s) one day, this a great experience, and it can lead to true friendship!

No, I haven't, but I think it would be cool.

I've met around.. I think up to 30 persons from this site, so far they were all great besides one ( person who I was supposed to meet wasnt there but another person so I went back home directly) I've met people from the Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, America and probably still forget some countries. Some went to my place and stayed for a couple of days as a holidays, some I just met for one day. And others I met in their countries.

It's really sad when the contact Ends after a Meeting. And I think that many friendships end after that time, which is weird 🙁 And I don't really understand why...

It's really sad when the contact Ends after a Meeting. And I think that many friendships end after that time, which is weird 🙁 And I don't really understand why...
I have that with some people too. Either way it didn't click. Or people just don't say anything anymore without a good reason. Feel open to just contact them and have a conversation again, works most of the times if it clicked

No until yet i have`nt but maybe i would meet if the other person would want, i think that would be cool then.

hi, this is my first time in penpal, I started to stady english 1 year ago and now i wont still improve. Someday i'd like meet to penpal-friend.

I have been using this website for more than a year, as well as another website, for five years, however I have seldom met serious, truly interesting people. None of them in real life. Perhaps I was unlucky or whatsoever, and those few, serious people broke up the contacts after a while, or they rarely answer me now, they do it after ages, and their replies are often short, which is clearly a sign that person is no longer interested talking with you.
There has always been seriousness in having real life meetings from my part, however I sadly cannot say the same thing about the others.
The result is that I no longer believe in such things now. You can talk with someone, of course, however that person will surely lose his/her interest after a while.


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