Question about kiwis Всякая всячина

Do you like kiwis?
Do you like its color?
DO you like its taste?
Do you know where it comes from?
Do kiwis eat kiwis?

Now i'm confused 😃. I like Kiwis, both the bird and the fruit.

Hahahah so many questions 😮
I do like kiwis.
I think the yellow or green colour is interesting.
I do like the taste, but not when they're too sour.
And I have to respond with a 'no' to the last two questions haha
What about you??


Hahahah so many questions 😮
I do like kiwis.
I think the yellow or green colour is interesting.
I do like the taste, but not when they're too sour.
And I have to respond with a 'no' to the last two questions haha
What about you??
I think the green kiwis are more sour than the yellow ones, I dont eat them very often

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