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Scientifically speaking, everyone dreams, just not everyone can remember them. Me? My dreams are really vivid and some I can't distinguish from reality.
I dream all the time. Even if it was like fifteen minutes. Once I had a dream that I was in school, so I stayed asleep and when I woke I realized I was home and I was late for school lmaoo(:
The more I attempt to remember my dreams, the better I get at remembering them. Alas, recently I've been too busy to pay a lot of attention to my dreams.
Does anyone else sometimes wake up with a feeling that the dream was important, or left you with a feeling of importance? Sometimes I wake up and I can't remember my dream, but I have this residual feeling of invincibility. Those are good days. 😁
And my dad only dreams in black in white. Kinda crazy. I wonder how blind people dream?
I also dream when I´m sleeping.
Last week, when I was sick, I dreamed that Jean Claude Van Damme wanted to take me to a psychiatry. Isn´t it weird?
Dreams are really weird, sometimes.... .😁