Is anybody intrested in having a penfriend? Всякая всячина

When I found penpal I was actually looking for a side for penfriends 😁😊 so is anybody interested?

I am interressed
but I prefer long letters

I am🙆‍♀️ Do you mean real letters? Cuz I was looking for someone I could write real letters to. This site is also nice but it is not the same haha

Yes I meant real letters 😊

I am interested too

I m interested to

Yes i would like to write real letters. Any one?

I'm interested 😁

I'm interested too!!

I'm interested, too!!! 😃

I'm interested too)

I was also in search for real-letters-penpals. I'm interested!

i'm interested

I am interested, I would love to get letters long or short it doesn't matter. 🙂

I am interested

I am intersted, i hope its not a problem that i live in germany too


I'm interested as I'm new here and looking for penfriends.
Message me if you want.

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