The chat room

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Hello everyone! One year ago, we could find always people talking on the chat. Since 2 weeks I find anyone on the chat. Is it only a feeling or people prefer talking on the forum now? And if yes, do you know why?

Wish the chat would be more active. I think lately I haven't EVER seen anyone in the chat room when I was online here oO

I use to chat a lot before. But these days I didnt find any one online except me. I just wrote a new forum for the same. But surprised to see an already existing one. These days I see lot of new people. But they doont know about chat feature. Hope it will get popular some day.

Nobody uses the chat anymore.

I only see myself online, isn't this a glitch maybe? The site has sooooo many people, but like any given moment at the day, only 1 person online??

The ability to use chat on here is a nice touch, however not many people utilize this feature.

I think it could be more active too! It’s a great opportunity to get n touch with other and it would be dumb we don’t do it!

Yep 😊

Yes the chatroom used to be more popular a while back. More people seem to prefer private messages nowadays. I've got some ideas to try to make it more popular but this is not the current priority 🙂

I look there once every time I'm one but it seems like no one's ever in the chat...

I think it could be more active too! It’s a great opportunity to get n touch with other and it would be dumb we don’t do it!

Questo argomento è inattivo da un po' e ora è di sola lettura.