Wattpad Tout et rien

does anyone have wattpad?

Yes I have, I began to write a dystopia, but i don't finish :/

Yes I have, I began to write a dystopia, but i don't finish :/

what is your name on wattpad ?

No. What is it ?

Yes I do, I already started to write a book but it's in dutch so I don't think you can read it. I also have a joke book, it's in Engish. My wattpad name is Arla129.

hello ,i have also wattpad and i have already starde to write a book but in german . my mane is Maja14r

Yes, I have

Yes I have! I started to write some stories (in English) but I never really had anyone read them. Maybe you could be the first 😃. My name is IamIlse.

I have Wattpad too, but I don't publish anything at the moment. I write my stories in German.

I also have Wattpad, but I tend to write in german. But I have a short story for English speaking people out there. My Wattpad name is ReaRakoenen05.

no, I use kindle

Yep, I have Wattpad. My name is @uneplumebrune
(I wrote a beginning of a story in French)

I also have Wattpad, but for the moment i publish my stories on fanfiktion.de.

Wattpad is a powerful site, but when I search a book, the 70% of them are pornografic novels

Yes, I have. I write stories in Polish...