Who of you loves writing stories? Tutto e niente

I also like to write little stories about what is on my mind. This helps me getting my thoughts sorted and to overcome the times when I'm down.

@zaara and everyone else as well.
When I have a writer's block, I do something I normally wouldn't do. This helps me seeing a situation from an other point of view, often I get new ideas that way.

I totally understand what you mean. I really didn't know what I would have done the last year without my writings. The thing with the writer's block I tried so many times. And it works for a moment, but the next moment I realize what I wrote and it's really sh*t and then it's like at the beginning again. I really hate that feeling. You want to write something, but you didn't find the right words. Do you know what I mean?

Yeah I know exactly what you mean, that can be really frustrating

Oh yes I love writing stories.

I do 🙂

I like writing stories but I'm always afraid of being ungrammatical. I also like writing short poems

Me too!

Questo argomento è inattivo da un po' e ora è di sola lettura.