If you could visit any place on earth, which would it be? :)

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If I could pick any place to visit, I would choose New Zealand. I always dreamt of beeing there, walk through the stunning nature and see all these amazing places I know to well from Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit 🙂
How about you?

I would love too visit Canada, and Ireland, and China and Greenland aaand.... I think I'll take all of them 😁

Aw man... I think i'll love to visit the US man, Japan and... Sweden! I really love snow and don't mind cold.

I'd like to see Sweden too, Ireland, Scotland (I'm dreaming of beautiful places, wonderful landscapes...). And I also would like to go to USA !


Actually.... The place I'm right now is also great. 😁

I don´t know actually. But I think I would like to go to Australia or Singapore 😁

I think it'll be : Japan
Sweden,Norway, Danmark
Jamaica and ending in

Japan or maybe Islande ! Both of them look awesome 🙂

I would visit the UK during festival season (seriously, the show's in the UK have it all over the US for line ups) and spend the says between hitting the vinyl record shops which is so much more fun than buying my records online like I do now. Send me the plane tickets and offer me a couch, because I want to do this very badly!

Japan or South-Korea

Every place on Earth is beautiful I think! Except these places where you can't be amazed because of poverty, violence, pollution or anything else like that. BUT if I could visit any place on earth, it would be any place with Nature, such as Ireland, Iceland, Germany again, Belize etc

Canada, Italy or Iceland 🙂

I have a long list of countries to visit. Here are some of them. France,Ireland,UK,USA,New Zealand,Japan and Korea

If I could choose any place to visit I'd totally go for Iceland! Sometimes, I just sit in my room and look through the picture of Iceland, because I'm so in love with the place!

Probably it would be India..! It's such a colorful and amazing place!

If I could choose any place to visit, I would go in Ireland or Canada ! I am totaly in love of this two countries !

A tour to Germany and France without fail! 😉

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