Dream country :) Anything and everything

Türkiye ve Kırgızistan çünkü benim için bu dünyadaki en güzel ölkelerdir

I would love to live in Edimburgh, it's such a beautiful city. I went there a year ago and i fell in love with it and also the Highlands.

I have many countries of my dream, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan...owever were I live it isn't so bad

I'd like to live in Perù

I think I want to live in Asia countries like China,South Korea and Japan. I love they cultures and I'm watching films about they coutries but I know that without they language it will be too hard for me to move and work on their territory 😉 So I will move to USA (I have some family members in Chicago). That's all about my plans 😂

My favourite Country is Greece, i have been very often there and I love the Landscape, the Food there and the friendly People. I dont know if i really want to live in Greece, because they have much Problems with finding a work and so on...

I am Swedish and if I moved abroad (thinking realistically about all aspects such as work, unemployment, salaries, security etc) I think I would make Malta or Norway my choice.


I have been able to meet several countries but my dream has always been France 😍

Japan and Germany

france and usa :*

I am Swedish and if I moved abroad (thinking realistically about all aspects such as work, unemployment, salaries, security etc) I think I would make Malta or Norway my choice.

Cool Screen Name!! 😉

Definitely the Netherland. I have seen enough of Germany

Maybe...russia, i love the history from that cauntry.

I want to go to Singapore, Norway...

Edit by Yiyang .

Denmark and Norway 🙂

Hello i'm of spsin and this country is very beateful With the tradicions.Spain is one país than almost never rsin and almost alWays sunny

Moon. There I can enjoy silence. There I can relax my soul. There I can get away from competing with others. There I can meet with truly freedom.
But provide me with books and Internet.