Whats Your Favorite Tv Shows?!

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mine is:

Bones, CSI/CSI:new york, Law and order SVU, Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives, The Dead Zone, Ghost Whisperer, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Prison Break, Everybody Hate Chris, What I Like About You

So You Think You Can Dance, Moment Of Truth, Makeover: Home Edition, America's Got Talent and Britain's Got Talent 🙂 😛

I like capital Talk.

WWE(My favorite!!!), Gossip Girl, Tru Calling(does anybody knows it?), Sponge Bob(lalalalala)

Desperate Housewives,Men in trees,Malcolm in the middle,What about Brain.........



Gossip girl :]

i also like heroes and 90210.

WWE(My favorite!!!), Gossip Girl, Tru Calling(does anybody knows it?), Sponge Bob(lalalalala)
I used to watch tru calling! Its amazing

WWE(My favorite!!!), Gossip Girl, Tru Calling(does anybody knows it?), Sponge Bob(lalalalala)
I used to watch tru calling! Its amazing
the show just disappeared suddenly,it is so cruel to me!
(somebody help me)

Barastack is also a good show.

oh I forgot about NCIS I love it too
tru calling too there was no new season right?!

I like The Big Bang Theory and Heroes 😉

Malcolm in the middle is really great. I would say perfect !
I also like a lot southpark, the simpsons, futurama, Prison break.. CSI

I like Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill and So You Think You Can Dance 😉

Los Serrano! 😉

Family Guy- The Best of all these TV Shows 🙂
Family Guy est le meilleur!!!
Family Guy ist die besten!!!
Ich weiB nicht ob "die besten" ist richtig, aber sie verstehen was ich will sagen! 😉

LOST,24,Stargate SG1,Survivor,Smallville,Doctor Who,Painkiller Jane,Punk'd,
Jericho,Supernatural,Friends,Southpark and lot's of more

NCIS, Supernatural (<---Favorite), Lie to Me, The Mentalist, Criminal Minds, and Jericho

I think my dear friend LukeWhite like Family Guys bid_smile

What's mine?:

Simsons, CSI: NY, some Quebec tv show, Star Academie, Survivor, The Amazing Race 2... And some else....

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