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40 años,
40 años, de Francia
May 03, 2013 15:31
May 03, 2013 15:31
Everything is in the tittle.
Have fun, folks!
32 años,
32 años, de Estados Unidos
May 03, 2013 22:35
May 03, 2013 22:35
Then nothing you shall get.
40 años,
40 años, de Francia
May 04, 2013 09:36
May 04, 2013 09:36
the best way not to be disapointed, my friend.
30 años,
30 años, de Países Bajos
May 04, 2013 15:15
28 años,
28 años, de Francia
May 04, 2013 20:16
34 años,
34 años, de India
May 05, 2013 10:39
May 05, 2013 10:39
I always tell to my friends that always give your best in everything & hope for nothing in return, that way you maybe rewarded but certainly not dissapointed..
30 años,
30 años, de Polonia
May 09, 2013 23:14
May 09, 2013 23:14
This is not a "nothing" you're looking for....
34 años,
34 años, de India
May 10, 2013 13:58
May 10, 2013 13:58
I told that hope for "nothing" because hopes lead to desires or wants which inturn creates unsatisfaction if it's not properly fulfilled. Hope for nothing means to stop hoping of the outcome.
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