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LOL Konichiwa..! How about... uhmmm... SALUT OR BONJOUR 😃

Haha, yeah!
Or, or, or...Chaire!

LOL.. nice =p Come on people.. Come in my forum and chat 😃

Salut tout le monde !!!
Ce forum est vraiment une très bonne idée et je félicite ce qui on eu la génialissime idée de le créer 😛 !!

Hey there...

Small correction but "Konichiwa" is usually spelled... "Konnichi wa" Don't know why. But I tend to get annyoed by tiny mistakes....


Technically no.. Konichiwa isnt spelt that way.. Depends where you come from.. I would know.. I used to live in Japan.. 🙂 But good to know you feel the way I do when someone says something wrong.. I get ticked too.. hah!

yinyang Good point. Just like every other calender will say the first day of spring is on March 20 or March 21. Depends what Calender you buy.🙂

-_- Come to think of it. That didn't excactly fit in the conversation. Eh well. yinyang

Edited by Jaichi .

Konban wa minna-san! ^_^

... こんにちは !! xD
( Japonaiis >.< )

yinyang Ah good, -Rei-Rei- spells Konnichi wa the same way I do too. Though it really doesn't matter 🙂 yinyang

Well, then, guten Morgen! 😃



how are you poeple !!!!
today I have a question : in america when you write a day you always write like this 2008.03.25 ??
I ask this because I see that in this forum days are written like this.
In france we put the number of the day, then the month and finaally the year like this => 25.03.2008
It very curious to see it on the other direction 😁

actually Americans write the date as 3 25 2008. The month is first, the day is second, and the year is last.

Mh...Interessant 😃

lets talk about the weather 😛

ym. eeem.

Dzień dobry. XD

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