ok so i need advice on if this boy actually likes me:
Back in October, i fell victim of this boy and his friends telling me he "liked me" but i later found out it was a joke to make fun of me ( i have severe ADHD and struggle reading social cues) I was crushed because this boy knew I was really struggling at the time and i still do struggle.
Fast forward into the day before winter break he comes up and asks me to come sit with him so we can "talk", I agreed and he looked me in the eyes and said "Elizabeth I'm really sorry. I should have never led you on like that and to be honest, the only reason I played along with all of it was so my friends wouldn't make fun of me. I'll never do anything like that again because I saw the pain that I caused you and honestly that made me feel worse because you are so kind and always thinking of other people. I promise this will never happen again. Can we be friends?"
I just said "ok" and watched the rest of the pep rally with him. The bell rang and I was just worried about getting out to my car asap.
Fast Forward Into January: I find out he's in my second hour class and mumble to myself "oh dear" and find my seat. The bell is about to ring and everyone is standing, including me. I walk over to throw something away and he immedetly says "Elizabeth! what's up" i just reply with "hey how are you" and we just continue talking and when the bell rings im trying to head to my 3rd hour. He rushes up behind me and says "I hope you have a good day" and i just say "thanks" and dab him up. From that day he has came over to me in class and dabs me up, asks how im doing and asks if I need help with anything. He's also started to walk in the halls with me and keeps looking over at me and my table during lunch (Me and my friends sit at the table next to him and he sits with his football friends).Then after lunch everyday, he always tries to walk with me and he always defends me. Im wondering if this is all an act or if he really cares about me?