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13 ans,
13 ans, de Pays-Bas
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
Hello everybody! 🙋♀️ This forum is about ⬇️⬇️
You can post super cute photos of ANYTHINGGGG that makes you smile and your heart like it is in the OVEN!!!! 🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️❣️
Sorry i like kitties for being FURRYYYY CUTTEEE !! That is a SEPARATE CUTE LEVEL!! 😛 🤗🤗🤗😍😍😍
SHARE your cute cutiee ones that make you MELTTTTT !!!! 🫠🫠🫠
13 ans,
13 ans, de Sri Lanka
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
I have to say one thing, but it is not a photo. It is just a song it is also cute......
(TUTU is the song)
13 ans,
13 ans, de Pays-Bas
il y a 25 jours
13 ans,
13 ans, de Sri Lanka
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
BTSSSS vibessss 😛
you want some more? @Yue_
13 ans,
13 ans, de Pays-Bas
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
you want some more? @Yue_
You can post 9872038121 cute picsss in this forum (unless @Etienne gets angry that we have too many photos in this forum)!! 🤭🤭
13 ans,
13 ans, de Sri Lanka
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
Édité par NILU1234 il y a 25 jours .
13 ans,
13 ans, de Pays-Bas
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
If i have to choose between Jungkook and Bieber i will choose of course Jungkook!!! 😛 BUTTTT i like IU much more than BTSSS!!
And if i have to choose between Jungkook and the furry kitty than KITTY WINSSSS!!! 🏆🥇 The baby too of course and i always think that because they are a little bit fatty that is cute too!! 😃
13 ans,
13 ans, de Sri Lanka
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
If i have to choose between Jungkook and Bieber i will choose of course Jungkook!!! 😛 BUTTTT i like IU much more than BTSSS!!
And if i have to choose between Jungkook and the furry kitty than KITTY WINSSSS!!! 🏆🥇 The baby too of course and i always think that because they are a little bit fatty that is cute too!! 😃
I know you are love IU. I don't like her, but I appreciate her. She is the queen of vocals...................
13 ans,
13 ans, de Pays-Bas
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
I know you are love IU. I don't like her, but I appreciate her. She is the queen of vocals...................
I think she is the BEST OF THE BEST OF THE BESTTTT!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
🤗🤗 Thanks Savithi!! @NILU1234 🤗🤗
14 ans,
14 ans, de Canada
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
Not made by me, but I just found this adorable.
13 ans,
13 ans, de Sri Lanka
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
📸️ Not made by me, but I just found this adorable.
Is this from "HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON"?? @Miss_Penpal
14 ans,
14 ans, de Canada
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
Is this from "HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON"?? @Miss_Penpal
Yessss, Toothless is always so cute!
29 ans,
29 ans, de Pologne
il y a 25 jours
13 ans,
13 ans, de Pays-Bas
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
OMGGGG @Oxiu i am now MELTTEDDD!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
48 ans,
48 ans, de Belgique
il y a 25 jours
12 ans,
12 ans, de Allemagne
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
…and this
Raccoons are one of my favourite animals..because of..ahem, Poe from bsd
17 ans,
17 ans, de Espagne
il y a 25 jours
13 ans,
13 ans, de Pays-Bas
il y a 25 jours
il y a 25 jours
you MUST get a raccoon onesie @Emmiiii_17_11 !!! 😛 😛
And Mare @LandRoverDiscovery2 is that baby cow yours??? 😍😍🤗🤗🤗
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