This forum is nice and funny!!! 🏆🏆 😛😛😛 We DONT have a standard class room like for example on a specific floor. We go to classrooms depending on the teachers and the class. So for example if we have French we go to the first floor to our teachers classroom. But if we have for example maths we are in a different wing of the building with the science classes and that is a floor higher!!!
But i would first say that everybody must be together because in movies the persons who are alone are having the most dangers!!! And after that i would call with @Simone724 because i think he has seen the most horror movies and i think @Fleurke is also an expert and they can tell us what we have to do!!! 😬😬
@Yue_ hhhhh i will scream to you RUN RUN 🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣but me and simonne will fight against them
The zombie virus is spreading in your country... Just imagine you have been at the school, and you are grounded by the zombies. 😮😮😮😮. But there are some friends with you.
You have to escape from school🏫🏫🏫
Can you face this challenge successfully???🤨🤨🤨 tell us how???
@Helena14 @kjkjkjkjkj @RandomKID @Sofy_roronoa @Kotyaka2023 And everyone
I'm homeschooled so this doesn't really work for me... But if I got attacked by a zombie I would go to my room to get my purse because that's where I keep my Swiss Army Knife. And if there are zombies on the way I guess I can attack with my hairpin? I would probably die first to keep my family safe though, so it doesn't really matter what I do as long as I get a weapon.
I'm homeschooled so this doesn't really work for me... But if I got attacked by a zombie I would go to my room to get my purse because that's where I keep my Swiss Army Knife. And if there are zombies on the way I guess I can attack with my hairpin? I would probably die first to keep my family safe though, so it doesn't really matter what I do as long as I get a weapon.
Ohhh you are so brave and a good daughter for your family @Miss_Penpal
The zombie virus is spreading in your country... Just imagine you have been at the school, and you are grounded by the zombies. 😮😮😮😮. But there are some friends with you.
You have to escape from school🏫🏫🏫
Can you face this challenge successfully???🤨🤨🤨 tell us how???