11 The following eight days i would like to show you 8 Mudras that you can hold. There are a lot of benefits but I won`t tell you yet. It`s worth to do them and make your own experiences.
Mudra 1
Hold your left middle finger so, that the right thumb lies on the inside of the finger and the other fingers lie on the outside.
...and again, do the breathing I explained in the first post.
Thank you very much @H_E_A_R_T and sorry that i could not write sooner!! Can i ask why the last two exercises are called Mudra? What language is that and what does it mean? 🙄 🙏🙏
Thank you very much @H_E_A_R_T and sorry that i could not write sooner!! Can i ask why the last two exercises are called Mudra? What language is that and what does it mean? 🙄 🙏🙏
I've looked it up in a dictionary which told me that "Mudra" is a word of an old Indian language meaning "what brings joy to you". I think that's exactly what Christine intends to reach with her posts: During practicing her "exercises" I had the feeling to be able to go back deep into my soul; a lot of almost forgotten moments plopped up in my brain and I realized that there's a lot I'm grateful for in my life. This really made me smile for a while although there's a lot of trouble I have to deal with! Thanks for this little moment of joy!
Thank you very much @Till_Beatus!! And can i ask you and of course @H_E_A_R_T: do you do the exercises every day or only one finger every day? And you change the next day? For me i have absolutely most that you feel like it is ticking and itching with the second finger if you hold it and i have that with each hand every time you hold the second finger. It is a LOTTT more than with the others. Is it normal it feels more warm and that it is ticking than the other fingers or maybe i have to hold it differently for the second finger. 🙂
I don`t think you have to hold it differently. Just trust your perception. And don`t think too much. When you hold your fingers the "answer" may also come from your intestine or like Till said, there may be some thoughts or feelings coming up. And also when you don`t feel anything, there is an impact.
I don`t do these exercises regularly, but I meditate twice every day. And when I treat my patients I breath consciously and that has an impact on the patients and me.
I don`t want to give you too much exercises and explanations. You could just follow my daily advices and make your experiences.
As I told you, you can trust your perception. Every finger is connected with your whole system. You can`t do any wrong, but it helps when you don`t have too much doubts. I think you will know some more on Christmas Eve 🙂
Mudra 3
You can hold the ring and little finger with the other hand. The thumb lies on the front side and the other fingers on the back side.
You can also hold the other hand. Just follow your perception what feels right for you in this moment.
You can hold the middle-,index finger and thumb with the other hand so, that the thumb lies on the outside of the fingers and the other fingers on the inside.
Another explanation for the Mudras is that they represent the different embodiments of Buddha. The Mudras were formed by the ancient sages of the East primarily to attain a higher level of consciousness.
But I really like what @Till_Beatus told about the Mudras! What a "coincidence" that he posted it on the day of the third Mudra. This one may be "perfect" for his trouble.
For me the eight Mudras I was taught becoming a JSJ-Practitioner are one unit, I always hold one after another.
Enjoy and feel free to post about your experiences.
This one is my favourite!!! Build a circle by putting the thumb on the nail of the middle finger of the same hand. Slide the other thumb between the middle finger and thumb. I guess it is helpful that there is a picture 🙂
Thank you very much for your lessons @H_E_A_R_T!!! I wanted to write already for some time that i think that you are very special on PPG like some other people i really ❤️ a LOTTTT like you and @HappyvomSee and Michael and several other persons. You teach everybody here a lot of nice things and are always very nice and respecting others. And when you chat with me or write on the forum it makes me feel very calm and i like it a lot. I hope that you always stay on PPG and that you write a lot for everybody because every time you do that it is like rainbow confetti and calm feelings for everybody.
Place the insides of the two middle fingers together and fold the remaining fingers.
I started to study in my JSJ-Book and my notes. I can`t believe that 20 years passed, since I got to know this healing philosophy. It is timeless and I understand a lot more now. It is so precious to know that everybody is his own best healer. It`s about listening.
Thank you very much Christine for all these lessons!! It is very interesting because it makes me think about accupuncture and qi but you already explained it in the beginning of the forum!! 🙂 I looked up online and this video is nice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIe1DbtARgI It is about the finger exersise (what you explained in the first 5 lessons). Maybe some others may also like to watch the video! 🥰🥰
thank you for your interest and those videos. I have a question. When you do your posts and the researches, are you aware of your breath. Do you do it in a hurry or can you obtain the deep breathing?
And with all those interesting videos of Astrid, don`t forget to keep it as simple as you can. There are so many special ways to harmonise with JSJ, but a very experienced instructor told me once that after studying it for many years she started to hold only one finger for months to experience all the benefits.
Today I would like to leave the JSJ way of healing.
Although I know that most of you don`t live next to me, I invite you to come to my place. My meditation teacher will visit me this weekend and there will be lectures and healing sessions for everybody, who is interested. The topic will be "2025-what will this year bring for us" and he will show "why meditation is more important than ever before".
It might be wishful thinking that anyone of you will come, but who knows 🙂
If you stay at home, just do the breathing, as told in the first post or repeat the last exercises.
Enjoy life I guess I won`t have time to do another post this weekend. Christine
thank you for your interest and those videos. I have a question. When you do your posts and the researches, are you aware of your breath. Do you do it in a hurry or can you obtain the deep breathing?
And with all those interesting videos of Astrid, don`t forget to keep it as simple as you can. There are so many special ways to harmonise with JSJ, but a very experienced instructor told me once that after studying it for many years she started to hold only one finger for months to experience all the benefits.
Keep it simple and enjoy Christine
hi @H_E_A_R_T!!! 🥰🥰 if i am honest i dont think about it yet because if im at school sometimes i try to do as much as i can in a break because i also want have time to eat with friends from my class and sometimes i have no time at all. at home it is not so stressy but i have music on if i am in my room and with lofi i am super chill but with other music i sometimes sing along but of course not that others can hear it. and i dont know about my breathing those times. but i focus about the breathing when i do the exercises and i can do that at least one time a day but in the weekend i can do it two times a day. except this weekend because we have a very nice workshop for choreography ANDDD christmas dinner with my ballet group class on Saturday!! 😛
I saw the movies on youtube and i liked them but i prefer do the exercises how you said it because i trust you about it and i dont know the teacher Astrid yet.
Do you have this weekend lessons with Michael?? If yes you can give 1000 hugs on behalf of all PPG members!!! and of course for you too!! 🤗🤗🤗
Today is the last door of the Advent calendar. My seminar just finished. It took two days more than expected.
I told you, that there is a time limit if you hold somebody else`s finger for healing in the way Jin Shin Jyutsu works. But there is one special feature: When someone has a serious illness or injury, you can hold his fingers and toes in combination for as long as you want to.
When you hold the thumb of the right hand you can also hold the left little toe with the other hand at the same time.
After about 5 minutes you can change to the pointing finger of the right hand and left 4th toe.
Then the right middle finger and the left middle toe.
Then the right ring finger and the left second toe.
Finally the right little finger and the left big toe.
You can also do it with the left thumb-right little finger...
The "patient" and the "healer" should breath like told in the first post. If it is too inconvenient to do so the patient could hold the fingers one after another and the healer the toes in the combination I told.
But you could also just hold his hands and breath properly. You are the best healer when you are balanced.
Thank you for following the posts/exercises. Enjoy every day Christine