A flag for Penpal Gate Everyday life and customs



we can't make the flag without @Yue_ who is the president of the forum 😊☺️

we can't make the flag without @Yue_ who is the president of the forum 😊☺️

Huhh owww I need to read after we clean the kitchen! πŸ˜› But im not the president of the forum that is @Etienne and I think also @Pennarossa2024 and I am only the forum assistant! πŸ˜›

who sends other flags?

who sends other flags?

ciaoo lorenzo i made a flag and send it to you!! πŸ™‚ i hope that you like it 😊😊😊

ciaoo lorenzo i made a flag and send it to you!! πŸ™‚ i hope that you like it 😊😊😊

Okay, it is past midnight. For now, the reception of flags is now closed, and tomorrow God willing, I will organize the referendum. πŸ™‚ thanks to everyone who submitted flags
