How address family members in your language? Życie codzienne

okay so here is the Chinese version,you can copy this form and change it into your answer!

Dad 爸爸(oral) or 父亲(formal)
Dad's dad 爷爷 or 祖父
Dad's mom 奶奶 or 祖母
Dad's elder bro 伯伯 or 伯父 (伯伯's wife is 伯母)
Dad's younger bro 叔叔 (叔叔's wife is 婶婶)
Dad's sis 姑姑 or 姑妈 (姑姑's husband is 姑父)
Dad's siblings' children are your ‘’堂siblings"
堂兄(哥)/弟/姐/妹(elder bro/younger bro/elder sis/younger sis cousin)

Mom 妈妈(oral) or 母亲(formal)
Mom's dad 外公 or 外祖父
Mom's mom 外婆 or 外祖母
Mom's bro 舅舅 (舅舅's wife is 舅妈)
Mom's sis 姨妈 (姨妈's husband is 姨父)
Mom's siblings' children are your ‘’表siblings" , which is "表兄(哥)/姐/弟/妹"

Your elder bro 哥哥 (哥哥's wife is 嫂嫂)
younger bro 弟弟 (弟弟's wife is 弟媳)
elder sis 姐姐 (姐姐's husband is 姐夫)
younger sis 妹妹 (妹妹's husband is 妹夫)
your bros' children are your 侄子 nephew/侄女 niece
your sis' children are your 外甥 nephew/外甥女 niece

Your husband 老公 or 丈夫
Your wife 老婆 or 妻子
Your son 儿子 (儿子's wife is 儿媳)
Your daughter 女儿 (女儿's husband is 女婿)
sons' children are your 孙子 grandson/孙女 granddaughter
daughters' children are your 外孙 grandson/外孙女 granddaughter

Dad - papa or père (more formal)
Mom maman or mère (more formal)

Parent's dad - papi or grand-père (more formal) or pépé
Parent's mom - mamie or grand-mère (more formal) or mémé
Parent's brother - tonton or oncle (more formal)
Parent's sister- tata or tante (more formal)
Parent's siblings' children - cousin(s)

Your elder bro - grand frère
younger bro- petit frère
elder sis- grande soeur
younger sis- petite soeur
** I think that if you have a siblind though, you will mostly call it a slur because it's an accident nobody wanted (please, don't take this seriously)
nephew - neveu
niece - nièce

Your husband - mari or époux, conjoint, partenaire... eventually "homme" (vulgar)
Your wife - femme or épouse, conjointe, partenaire, compagne...
Spouse's relatives - same as normal relative, but with "beau" or "belle" in front of it (beau père, belle mère, beau frère, belle soeur, belle fille, beau fils)
Your son - fils
Your daughter - fille
sons' children - petits enfants

Grand-parent's brother- grand oncle
Grand-parent's sister - grande-tante (woman)
Grand-parents' father - arrière-grand-père or bisaïeul
Grand-parent's mother - arrière-grand-mère or bisaïeule

There is no difference for things like grand parents wether they are parents of your father or mother. If we want to specify, we say "grand-père paternel" (paternal grandfather) or grand-père maternel (maternal grandfather)