PPG University > Creative Writing I 🧙 Lir Elhan Everyday life and customs

_____________________________________________Creative Writing__🧙‍♂️_____01.06.2024_____


Writing is always a delicate undertaking. Even little details can make
a big difference. I love that. With Venus in the 1st and Mercury in the
11th house, in own sign (Gemini), I am a channel for words that want
to express themselves creatively. No wonder then, that I tend to be
a writer.

Writing is like music. It is not only the words (notes) that counts. It is
also the way they 'feel' and how they 'dance' with each other. Music
& Writing is first of all about the 'stuff' between the Notes & Words.
It is HOW you use them to show the silence inbetween.

Today we know that a person trained in reading can only absorb a
certain amount of horizontally consecutive words and characters
in a relaxed manner. In this respect, too, quotations are really
great ... the reader can absorb the statement easily and move it
around in his mind.

____________________ Quotations ____________________

Welcome to my Creativ Writing Class and todays
lecture is about quotes. This is for You
... 🙂

Quotations are usually partial text passages or statements from an
other author (as part of you own text). You use their statements to
support your own position or to give it more power. Of course, you
can also quote yourself ... but I often find this somewhat ambivalent.
In Germany we call such a statement: 'Zitat' ... what is based in Latin.

Latin: citatum ... 'cited, invoked'

In my 'Quotes-Post', however, the name refers to a slight variation.
I love to use a few words to formulate a story with deeper meaning
and like to 'move' the reader ... make a contribution to him.

Latin: citare ... 'to set in motion'

🧙‍♂️ "Good formulated quotes are
like seeds from a tree. "

It is also possible to use several statements in succession as quotes
in order to provide more details about a topic. It is important to
remember that explanations in a quote tend to be disruptive. Inex-
perienced authors sometimes tend to do this, to ensure that their
statement is understood correctly. Comprehensible ... but it makes
more sense in this picture:

🧙‍♂️ "You should let a butterfly fly free and
trust that it will find its way. "

Words often 'only' represent information. The way we use them
determines to a large extent whether the reader takes them in
and recognises the meaning or not.

🧙‍♂️ "Even the most lavishly filled buffet loses its appeal. "

Too much information often leads to 'indigestion'. In this aspect
too, a quote can help the autor. It is his work to think and pre-
pare the text for the reader.

Edited by RESOLVE .

Thank you Lir_Elhan,

I am studying your posts and others here on PPG.
You are right I can read yours very relaxed.
It makes a difference.

I guess everyone remembers sitting in school and the teacher speaks in a monoton manner, making no pause at all, not interested if anyone is listening, feeling depressed about his teacher job, pupils annoying, talking about the same subject for years without adapting it to the present listeners, waiting for the clock to come and so on and so on...

"Your" way reminds me of listening to music,
an atmosphere is developing and the reader
has space for reflecting and the student time
for noticing upcoming questions inside of him/her.

It reminds me of a quote I read on a profile of an
eleven year old member here on PPG
"Life is a blank canvas. You have to put as much paint on it as you cant."

Thank you very much for this class!! If you write on PPG i like it a lot but i have to take some times to read again to know if i understand everything. My mom and I like to go in Amsterdam to museums or sometimes if we go on vacation. My dad does not like that really so we go. And sometimes when you look at the painting I dont understand everything but my mom does not explain and she says like you have to look more times that is better than if she gives explanations.

Do you think that there are a lot differences in way that persons write for PPG in forum or university so like between older or younger persons or from different countries?

🟢 Do you think that there are a lot differences in way that persons write... ?

Of course Yue!

You have to remember that English is often translated twice: From the writer's
native language into English and then from English into the reader's native
language. There is a lot of space for mis-interpretation.

And ... every individual has their own way of expressing themselves. Even
experienced readers have to adjust a little to an author's style & manner.
It gets easier with time. We gradually build up a relationship with the author
and vice versa... 🙂

Good Morning ... ☀️

On Penpal-Gate I use 'Quotes' also to share some 'things' that strike me
as I surf through the posts... WITHOUT compromising anyone directly.
I endeavour -- even in such cases -- to phrase my statement in such a
way that it has value beyond observation and can be useful in daily life.

Of course, some members have already noticed this
and it leads to some interesting conversations ... 🙂

......... QUOTES .........

Of Course: I am glad to answer if you have any further questions...

Edited by RESOLVE .