πŸ§•πŸ‘³πŸ½ ... QUOTES ... πŸ‘³πŸ½πŸ§• Everyday life and customs

___________________________________________ Celestial Bird __🐦________________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "With Mars in the 10th House, I have natural access
to such wisdom, Yue. You are simply a messenger
from the heavens... "

🧘_____________________________ 24.05.2024

_________________________________________ There is no Bird __🐦_______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "And that is why waiting alone is almost
always doomed to failure... "

🧘_____________________________ 24.05.2024

_________________________________________ There is no Bird __🐦_______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "Yes, a philanthropist from head to fingertips and toes. "

🧘_____________________________ 24.05.2024

___________________________________________ Famous Birds __🐦_______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "No halfway developed personality would ever go on the hunt for
Fame & Power. But, both aspects are unfortunately unavoidable
if one want to make a difference in this world. "

🧘_____________________________ 25.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

"Perfection only exists in babies and pastries."

i looked up baby quotes on google and this quote is cute and funny!! πŸ€—πŸ₯° a very sweet and kind person on PPG is an aunt after yesterday (is secret who). so this quote is for her and the baby!! 🌺🌺🌸🌸

___________________________________________ Perfect Birds __🐦______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "All perfection is nothing but a reflection of ourself. "

🧘_____________________________ 26.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

___________________________________________ Talking Birds __🦚______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "It is astonishing that some people hardly have anything
to say or only rarely make a contribution and yet so often
have to add their two cents everywhere. "

🧘_____________________________ 27.05.2024

__________________________________________ Anxious Birds __🐦______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "We all sometimes imagine that we can somehow understand
and empathise with what it's like for all the people in Russia
or Ukraine at the moment. We lull ourselves into a sense of
security and give our conscience a certain comfort ... but
above all we just hide our fear. "

🧘_____________________________ 27.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

___________________________________________ Talking Birds __🦚______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "The home of any language is the infinity of consciousness. "

🧘_____________________________ 27.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

___________________________________________ Talking Birds __🦚______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "Yes, ... we become what we think. We elevate or
limit ourselves with what we say and write. "

🧘_____________________________ 27.05.2024

___________________________________________ Cats and Birds _🐦__🐈_________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "True, cats purr and meow. When they are in heat, the
whole village hears it. But that doesn't mean they have
the slightest idea what they are doing and why. "

🧘_____________________________ 28.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

___________________________________________ Cats and Birds _🐦__🐈_________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "I am a hopeless optimist and simply think that
humanity will transform its affected existence into
one that acts Out-of-Consciousness. "

🧘_____________________________ 28.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

______________________________________________ Real Birds _🦚______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "It is true, ... we can not be sure, that a photo is
real anymore. That doesn't mean automaticly that
every photo is a fake or manipulated. "

🧘_____________________________ 28.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

______________________________________________ Real Birds _🦚______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "It is much easier talk and write nonsence, if
nobody knows your face, I guess. "

🧘_____________________________ 28.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

"Behind the clouds there is sun"

This time I wanted really to write a quote special for Lir_Elhan. But now more people in PPG said that they are not feeling well from like feeling down or that things happen with their family having a hard time or just moment ago Parsa being away. So I wanted now to share this quote. πŸ’‘πŸ’‘

It is Dutch the quote and it means that even if it is cloudy and you cant maybe see the sun it is there!!! 🌀️

I hope that this quote helps maybe people who are now feeling down to maybe give good hope and smiles!! 😊😊

______________________________________________ Real Birds _🦚______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "Even if it's the truth, written words shouldn't
never feel like blocks falling from the sky. "

🧘_____________________________ 30.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

______________________________________________ Real Birds _🦚______________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "It's a very sad situation when someone 'has' to
put down or even hurt other people in order to
feel 'better' about themselves. "

🧘_____________________________ 30.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .

______________________________________ DschibrΔ«l - MΔ«kā'Δ«l __🐦..πŸ¦…_________

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ "When it comes to LOVE, when chaos & destruction
prevail, we find no honey or sugar but ICE & FIRE. "

🧘_____________________________ 30.05.2024

Edited by Lir_Elhan .