Tell a creepy urban legend from your country... Dagelijks leven en gewoonten

Let's prepare ourselves for halloween 🙃
Tell a creepy urban legend from your country !

The poplick monster. (Louisville ky)
He is half man half goat who has legs of a man but goat for top part who walks the tracks in search for anyone stupid enough to go look for trouble. We hear goat screams befor a distant train some say he warns you of doom. But we know better..hes trying to get you sacred and lost and unable to run.
He is not a skin walker but may be a fort Knox's exsperment gone wrong. Similar to mothman
who creeps the train tressel (towering train bridge) that cuts through the untouched woodlands of northern kentucky.
As a right of passage brave youths go serching for this beast but often they fall to their deaths and more often being thrown off by hand or hoove Many honest pepole cliam to see it.
One things for sure there is something horrorble in them woods and its called curiosity.
Ive never seen it thats why im still alive.
We would always hear real horror storys of teens who fall to thair deaths looking for the monster as it was ironically a deterrent.

in Belgium we got the ‘Smiley Gang’ or ‘Smiley Face’ murderer that made its way around big Belgian cities in 2002. As the story was often told in Brussels, a gang or a single man would follow a woman home from the subway and attack her in an abandoned alley. She was always presented with a choice: be raped or ‘smile forever.’ Naturally, the woman went with option two, which resulted in her mouth being sliced open at the corners up to her ears so that it resembled a clown’s smile. As is often the case, this urban legend would become the premise of a horror film. Smiley came out in theaters in 2012, with its mouth-slicing serial killer wearing a mask with a grotesque grin, noting in its tagline that ‘Evil wears a smile.’

there is none I know of

Texas Chainsaw massacre it was a lot of movies with that name. See one and let me know your thoughts? It has been awhile since watching the movies.

The cat face woman
The story happened in Harbin in 1995. An old woman, her husband's family name is Li, and no one knows what her family name is. She lived in a small village in the northern frontier of heilongjiang province with her son and her daughter-in-law. However, they didn't treat her well. One day, she argued with her daughter-in-law. She was so angry and disappointed, so she hung herself. Her family members did not leave her a funeral,planning to leave her body to the next day to bury.

When she died, her eyes were open and her tongue was sticking out of her mouth, which was really creepy. Her family followed the village tradition of holding a wake. After they helped her to put on her shroud in the evening. On a long winter night in Heilongjiang, her son sat talking with a neighbor. The neighbor fell asleep while he was talking. Just then one of the calico cats of the dead woman's family leaped over her body and leaped aside. Just then her body sat up. One side of her face has turned into a cat's.

She gouged her neighbor to death with her nails like a cat. Her son ran as fast as he could, Shouting, "My mother just faked her body!" When morning came, he called many people home. They found that only the stomach of his neighbor who had died that night had been torn open, and the woman who had died was missing.

aangepast door LilyPeng6 .

It's a really short one:

Neoliberalism is a good thing. 😛

It's a really short one:

Neoliberalism is a good thing. 😛

You got me.

The Rolling Calf in Jamaica. Just thinking about it gives me the creeps.
My mom and dad once told me that they have heard them outside their homes when they were younger.
They say its butchers who have died before and are reincarnated as big black calves with red eyes and have chains that drag all over them. They only turn up when its night and there are no lights to be seen. You only see the red eyes approaching you and you'll hear the chains dragging on the ground. They have been said to chase persons as well and will only leave you alone if you are inside your home.

Bielefeld is a City that actually exist.

No, that‘s impossibile😂

Bielefeld is a City that actually exist.

LOL... guess the Bielefeld joke is uncommon for foreigners so little backgound: in the past some people spread a joke that the city Bielefeld doesn't exist and since that it's a kind of running gag - meanwhile the Bielefeld citizens are more or less annoyed by it. If you want to check out have a look in the wikipedia but don't know if any detail is correct -> english Wki ;

Concerning a German creepy legend... guess there are a lot of local ones but one of the most common is the legend of a woman in white clothes who sometimes stands at the country road 2080 in Bavaria between Ebersberg and Schwaberwegen, directly located at a little chapel named "Hubertuskapelle". This street leads you though the Ebersberg forest. In the past at this place a woman shall be hit by a car and died on the street because the car driver fled from the place of accident without caring or helping the injured woman. Since that day she suddenly appears and asks the passing drivers for taking her in their car - via hitch-hiking (=to thumb a lift while standing at the street). If you stop and let her in the car all is fine. She will tell you a bit later to let her out. Nothing happens and you don't notice that a ghost is sitting next to you. But if you see her standing and don't stop, then she suddenly appears in your car and grab the steering whel so that you'll have an accident. A lot of accidents shall happened here past decades. Some accidents maybe even happened because drivers were so shocked about the appearing woman who suddely sat in the car that the driver himself causes the accident. Think about that when you drive along that route next time 😉

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