Clichés and prejudices about your country Życie codzienne

What do people from other countries think is "normal" or "typical" for your country? And is it true or false in your opinion?
I can start 🙂
I've heard that people think Germans are always punctual. At first I thought "no, that's nonsense, our trains and busses are always late..." But in society, punctuality actually IS important here. Especially at school and at work of course, but also in our personal lives; meeting with friends for example.

- French are rude ===> Nah ma'am, you've been to Paris.
- French are Romantic ===> Would you like a mint flavoured lollypop?
- French do strikes as a national sport ===> It's not, it's a duty (well, ok, maybe it is)
- Baguette, cheese and frog eaters ==> No frog in the sandwich, only ham.
- French are cowards ==> Wait for a strike about it.
- French are dirty ==> Well, maybe Parisians are, I don't know.

A less well known is to think that France is homogeneous. In France, you don't have just "French", and you have people that don't even consider themselves to be French. I personally am Breton, there are Catalan, Basque, Corsican, Alsacian and a plethora of other people, etchnic and cultural groups.

As for Germans, more than punctuality, it's their inability to break the rules that would come to me as a cliché. All the thing about order and following the rules etc.

I've heart that some people from other countries say Chinese can't drive.I was shocked when I saw this.The fact is that many Chinese can drive.According to a 2018 survey, 400 million people in China can drive.😄

As for Germans, more than punctuality, it's their inability to break the rules that would come to me as a cliché. All the thing about order and following the rules etc.

Well, not gonna lie, that's true as well. Of course this doesn't apply to every German, but in General, we looove rules. We also love forms and for some weird reason street signs...
I consider myself a real German in that direction.

Another funny cliche about Germany: no speed limite on the highway! So ridiculous! Even if you think that in Germany the Green Party seems to be strong and this party is the enemy of cars, industry and highways. These green guys will only be lucky, when Germans are forced to live like in the stone ages! So don t forget the “no speed Limite” - mtyh!

I think that with the rules comes true with becoming older. In my teens I did so often break the rules but now when I start to become an adult I look that I am a well adjusted person to the society.