Stay happy although Corona

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During the Corona crisis I was outside a lot, went running, or was in the house, painting or baking, even doing things that I wouldn't have had time for outside of the lockdown time ... What are you doing in the Corona -Crisis to stay happy?

Now in China, the situation is quite good right now. I plan to travel to Yunnan province tomorrow with my mom. We will stay there for 8 days. But last year(especially between February and April) the situation in China was very serious. During that period of time, we Chinese staying at home working, studying, etc. For me personally, I learnt to cook, learnt French( yes I began to try to learn some French at April last year), watched TV, had class, checked my university application statuses, etc.

Hi, I try staying normal in this abnormal situation. I work with people, I’m physiotherapist. Everybody needs help and people want me to do everything what I can to improve their condition . Especially now is very important to have some time for a walk, for exercise, move outside and do something for yourself in the nature, ordinary breathing is very important. And positive thinking ! Stay normal, be strong and don’t let anyone make a fool of you! Just think !
I’m so sorry my English is still not good but I try improve it. This platform is splendid.
For everbody : have a nice day !

I don't do anything. The lockdown allows me to live my life at my rythm more, which is slightly shifted in comparison to "normal" schedule" of the society. Thus, I'm probably better with this crisis, being able to work at 2:00am and sleep more in the morning more often than in "normal time" while I live under a perpetual jetlag when I have to wake up at 7:00am.

For some, the crisis change nothing, and might even be a bless, especially when you can walk outside almost all the time.
