different country different schools Alltag von überall

Hi, I'm Giulia and I'm from Italy. I'm so curious, you know, what are the other schools like? in different countries, of course, there are different cultures so how does the school work for you? is it you who change the classroom or the professors? tell me everything you want!

In Perth, when you're in Primary school, the teachers change classroom from Kindergarten to Year 3, then you move classrooms from Year 4 to 6. Generally, English, Math, History was taught in the same class, art, music and science are all separate 🙂 In high school (Year 7 - 12), each classroom is different and you move to each class as you go. At least that's how it was for me (I go to a Private school, not sure if it's different for Public schools?) 🙂

I live in the US and go to catholic school. It's not too much different from the standard public school but it's definitely a lot smaller, and a lot less..traumatic. We have extra classes and our school day is longer. We don't get breaks as often but we kinda make that up when we get catholic holidays off. I'm not really catholic, but I go to a catholic school for their academic programs. We have religion class which honestly it just watching veggie tales and chilling with your friends, but that's obviously not happening during corona. We have 5 core classes that everyone takes: math, English, science, social studies, and English mechanics. The other classes are PE, Religion and Electives.

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