Be grateful for... Everyday life and customs

I can move , I can see, I have clean running water lots of it, I have plenty of clothes,
I've never gone hungry, I have shelter, I walk with no pain,
I own a car, I can drink my morning coffee everyday, I have a job,
I am skilled, I have friends, I can process letters to words to sentences,
I can read, I have a healthy heart, I have a family who loves me,
I rarely ever worry about my safety, I have a bed, I sleep well,
Just be grateful to God for small things...
And You ?

You are totally righttttt

Grateful for little simple things in life like being able to perform my work even I have little sleep. Able to catch a transpo going to work and not being late. To have a meal everyday, able to do chores even tired. Have shared smiles even feeling sad. And able to rise after stumbling many times.

As long as you’ve got health, a roof, food and beverage, those are the things you should be grateful for. The simplest things shouldn’t be taken for granted because there are people who don’t even have those.

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