What is you favourite book ever ?

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I'm looking for new books to read, from all over the world.

Any suggestion ?

What would it be about ?

I know that problem... I was told that the only way to continue was to write and write... Even if you don't know what to write

My favorite book is 50 day before my suicide.

Maria 456 thank you ! 🙂

My Favourite books is Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

Thank you Viridi !

Maybe I could talk about mine, I really loved "To kill a Mockingbird", "The Kite Runner", "Americanah" and "The Ice People"

My favorite books are: Blindness by Jose Saramago (Ensayo sobre la ceguera in Spanish) and The Little Prince.

My favorite books are:
Red Rising (full trilogy) it's science fiction/action
Hush Hush books (there will come a movie for it! ) 🙂 it's About love/angels
and Hounded (Fantasy/a Little funny) 😃

Great thank yoou !!!

I really love Stephen King's 'It', but it's only for tough readers, because it's over 1500 pages long 😃
BTW, I also know this writing problem you guys were talking about 😁

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss, it's a fantastic fantasy trilogy 😃

Do you guys know Carlos Ruiz Zafon ? He's soo good

I really recommend you to read “perfume: the story of a murderer” it’s an awesome book

Yes I have it at home ! 🙂

Note to self by conner franta, it's mind changing and it has beautiful aesthetics

The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco. If you like medieval stories and detective novel , it is a great one.

If you love stories about animals, I would suggest actually 4 books, all written by the same author, James Herriot. He was an English country vet whose books were all best sellers.

All Creatures Great and Small
All Things Bright and Beautiful
All Things Wise and Wonderful
The Lord God made Then All

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