πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜Š Interview with Billa πŸš—πŸ„β€β™‚οΈ

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Interview with @Billa 08.03.2025

Thank you very much FranΓ§ois that I can interview you!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ™πŸ™ I have made 20 questions and I hope that you like them. πŸ™‚ If you dont want to answer a question that is of course not a problem!!! Merci beaucoup!! 🌈🌞🌞

β € β €β € β € β €β € β € β €β € β € PART I

1: How long have you been a member of PPG and is it what you expected? What are the things that you like the most?

I'm a member of Ppg for more than 5 years : I used to write my personal profile in german because I wanted to meet german people and I met many nice people from the whole world and one of them even became my new wife ! ( she's german ).

2: It says on your profile that you live in Bordeaux and that you used to live in San Francisco. What do you think is the nicest of these two cities? And if you would live a third city, what would you choose?

Concerning the places I'm living now and where I used to live , well Bordeaux is my birth city and it is often considered by many french people as the most beautiful town in France after Paris because of its old monuments ( it is a 2 thousands years old lady and a unesco one since 2008 ! ). I used to live in San Francisco Bay Area in 1993 and San Francisco is also a very beautiful City but on a different way and I really loved the spirit of tolerance that I used to know there at that time.

If I had to live in a third City, I would like to live again in Berlin : I used to live there in 1990 before the german reunification and I really loved the village spirit of every borough of this giant city.

3: What kind of work do you do and do you like it? Did you also have other jobs earlier?

I'm selling new cars and cars of the year from the Renault and Dacia trademarks to privates, corporate societies and local administrations and I m working directly for the car maker, I mean Renault Group.

I'm selling cars since 1998 and I like my job which really knows a very strong and very fast evolution at the present time with the electrifycation move.

4: What kind of penpals do you like to write with? And what topics do you like to talk about?

Concerning the kind of penpals I like to write with, well I like to write to all sorts of people wherever they come from; whoever they are and whatever they think even about me because I m very curious, tolerant and I accept very much being criticized ! Concerning the topics, I like to talk about on Penpal, well it's very wide : languages, tourism, food, economics, cars, history and politics and surfing.

5: What are your hobbies? Do you have a lot of time for your hobbies or not enough? And what were your hobbies when you were in high school?

Concerning my hobbies : well my favourite hobby when I got time and when weather gives me the opportunity to practise it is bodyboarding and I'm doing it since I'm 8 ! I also like going for a walk in the forest, running, biking. learning foreign languages on Duo Linguo app ( german and polish languages ), chatting with foreign friends on Whattsapp and reading.

When I was an high school student, I had exactly the same hobbies as now except that internet and smartphones did not still exist at that time and I used to like very much writing real letters to foreign people.

Thank you very much for the first part of this interview @Billa!! If anybody wants to ask a question or post a comment you can do that below! ⬇️⬇️ More interviews of PPG members are on this page: overview of interviews. ✨🌸🌻

Thank you very much again @Billa for the first part of the interview!! Later i will add pictures that are nice for part I.

I wanted to mention two things to @Etienne about the interview:

1️⃣ If i can remember it from your interview you have also lived in San Francisco right like @Billa? Was it for you the same like how FranΓ§ois describes it in 2? πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

2️⃣ And MUCHHH more important!!!! If i understand 1 correctly: FranΓ§ois got to know his wife on PPG!!! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’πŸ‘°β€β™€οΈ Did you already know that very nice news? ❀️😊 So @Etienne is a SUPER matchmaker!! πŸ˜ƒ

A question for FranΓ§ois: is she still on PPG? πŸ™‚

These are pictures that are about the first part of the interview above!!


San Francisco:

Other things from the interview:

1️⃣ If i can remember it from your interview you have also lived in San Francisco right like @Billa? Was it for you the same like how FranΓ§ois describes it in 2? πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

I was there 2009 through 2011 so I'm sure it was quite different from 1993. And today being 2025 it's changed even more. I like it then but I definitely wouldn't want to settle there. It's become a dumpster of a city where drug addicts wandering the streets like zombies and city officials refuse to do anything about it, thus worsening the situation even more. They have completely destroyed the city, what a shame.

I was there 2009 through 2011 so I'm sure it was quite different from 1993. And today being 2025 it's changed even more. I like it then but I definitely wouldn't want to settle there. It's become a dumpster of a city where drug addicts wandering the streets like zombies and city officials refuse to do anything about it, thus worsening the situation even more. They have completely destroyed the city, what a shame.

That is really sad if it is now a super criminal city. How was it in your time in 2009-2011? It looks super beautiful the city on google images!! πŸ˜› Did you study?

And François @Billa did you work or study in San Francisco?

That is really sad if it is now a super criminal city. How was it in your time in 2009-2011? It looks super beautiful the city on google images!! πŸ˜› Did you study?

It was a beautiful city, sort of reminiscent of a European one. Yes I studied then did an internship there. The one thing that struck me is the lack of seasons there: it's more or less always 15Β°C, except around September/October when it's a little warmer. It's nice to have warmer temperatures in the winter but it eventually feels like you're stuck in limbo when it's always the same thing. All in all California is one of the most beautiful places on the planet

Good afternoon to everyone here ! So as to answer to this nice Yue : well my beloved Judith is still on Penpal but she is not very active and she is only looking for Italian and Latin speaking Penpal members and I thank very much Penpal and the persons who built this App and gave me the opportunity to meet such a lovely person for me !

I used to have a tourism visa when I lived in San Franscisco down town and in Half Moon Bay ( San Francisco Bay Area 19 kms south down town ) and I used to be welcomed by family and locals there and well I used to study and work a little bit and I made also a lot of tourism and bodyboarding in the same time ( I even bought a Morey Boogie mach 10 10 Mike Stewart bodyboard that I still have ! )


Merci beaucoup FranΓ§ois @Billa!! πŸ™πŸ™ That you found your wife Judith on PPG is maybe one of the most romantic things EVER on PPG!!! I also know of one other PPG couple! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°β€οΈ But now I am super curious because I think maybe there are more!! 😊😊😊 In any case you and Judith are PROOF that sometimes it can really work online ❀️ even if it does not happen often. That is very romantic and super nice i think!! πŸ™‚

"Sunday Funday" - Pierre-Louis Costes Γ  Hossegor (Landes) | Surf-Report / Surf Report


"Sunday Funday" - Pierre-Louis Costes Γ  Hossegor (Landes) | Surf-Report / Surf Report


Wowww that goes super fast!! Are you not very afraid of sharks?? 🦈🦈 Because there are sharks in America in the oceans even if it happens not often but sometimes still they can attack you!! I think i would NOTTT be comfortable bc they will just look up and only see the surfboard as a dinner plate and you on it as food!! 😳😳

And do you do bodyboarding also in France? πŸ„πŸ„β€β™€οΈπŸ„β€β™‚οΈπŸŒžπŸŒž

@Billa very nice intervieuw

Wowww that goes super fast!! Are you not very afraid of sharks?? 🦈🦈 Because there are sharks in America in the oceans even if it happens not often but sometimes still they can attack you!! I think i would NOTTT be comfortable bc they will just look up and only see the surfboard as a dinner plate and you on it as food!! 😳😳

And do you do bodyboarding also in France? πŸ„πŸ„β€β™€οΈπŸ„β€β™‚οΈπŸŒžπŸŒž

Good night Yue ! Well, I never met or saw any shark when I was bodyboarding in Central California : there are big white sharks there and they can come close from the shore but surfers and swimmers are not their favorite food which ist not the case of seals and sea lions which are very present there, so the main security rule you absolutely have to follow if you don t want to be mistaken by those fishes ist not surfing or swimming close from their favorite food even if seals can be very lovely to get seen at close range

Anyway, I m practising my favorite hobby in France on the Atlantic Coast which is one of the Meccas of Surfing in Europe and there are some sharks there but they are not dangerous for most of them and they live very deep in the ocean ( 200 meters ) : I only heard about an attack against a fisherman ten years ago who used to be biten by a mako shark on one of his hands and in december 2013 a 2 50m mako shark used to be found on the shore of the beach of Cap de l homy in Landes county

Good night Yue ! Well, I never met or saw any shark when I was bodyboarding in Central California : there are big white sharks there and they can come close from the shore but surfers and swimmers are not their favorite food which ist not the case of seals and sea lions which are very present there, so the main security rule you absolutely have to follow if you don t want to be mistaken by those fishes ist not surfing or swimming close from their favorite food even if seals can be very lovely to get seen at close range

Anyway, I m practising my favorite hobby in France on the Atlantic Coast which is one of the Meccas of Surfing in Europe and there are some sharks there but they are not dangerous for most of them and they live very deep in the ocean ( 200 meters ) : I only heard about an attack against a fisherman ten years ago who used to be biten by a mako shark on one of his hands and in december 2013 a 2 50m mako shark used to be found on the shore of the beach of Cap de l homy in Landes county

Big white sharks?? 😬😬😳😳 I think they can hear in the water in California my heart beating faster when I am still in The Netherlands and only THINK of sharks!!!! ❀️❀️🦈🦈🦈🦈🦈 I have not a bigger fear than sharks and also speaking for a group but it is not the same fear!!!

Even if they dont go to you often i think it is still super brave that you go in the water. πŸ’ͺπŸ„πŸ¦ˆ

PS: I will make the questions for Part 2 of the interview before dinner! πŸ˜ƒ And if anybody else has a question for FranΓ§ois you can of course post it below!! ⬇️⬇️